Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

-Previously in You're Not Safe-

I tried to mask my hurt as I turned around to walk to my locker, but I collided with another body, recognizing his unforgettable scent from anywhere.



"Hey, I-I was just going to my locker-Excuse me." I said awkwardly, trying to shift around his body.

"Wait, are you okay?" He said dryly yet with so much emotion, grabbing onto my hand.

"I-I'm fine." I yanked it away, dashing away from him and to my locker.

I haven't had contact with him since forever.

Same 'ol pretty boy that doesn't care about much but himself.

*Zayn's P.O.V*

Just like that, she pushed me away again. Not even wanting to look me in the eye, in a rush to get away from me.

That kills me inside. How she treats me like I'm not a person, but a bully. I was nothing but nice to her, how does she not see that?

That was our first encounter in years. Not to mention she looks like she's back to stage 1 about not giving a shit about her appearance.

I wonder what was up with her this time. I never stopped caring for her, I just keep a low profile and get my information from people who know her, which is hardly anyone.

I spotted just the person I needed once I passed the history room, changing my path of destination to a sharp right.

"Hey Harry?" I dropped a hand on his shoulder, startling him from the seat he was sitting in.

"Holy shit, Zayn." He let out a deep breath, putting his hand across his heart.

I tugged on his arm, "C'mon. I need you for something."

His face was scattered with confusion as he followed me out in the hallway as I steered us clear from being seen- and heard.

I stopped us next to a vending machine that shaded us from people where we could have a private conversation.

I heard a deep, and confused chuckle come from Harry. "Can I ask why we're going incognito?"

"What's going on with Jane?" I got to the point, turning his laugh into a straight face.

He shrugged. "I don't know."

"Liar." I hissed. "Tell me."

He shook his head, closed his eyes closed tightly and held the bridge of his nose.

Before finally, he dropped his hand down by his side, looking me square in the face. "I really don't know man. I'm still trying to put the pieces together myself."

I stared at him for a long time with my mouth in a firm line and my hand on my chin. "Well what do you know?"

His face flickered to mine, then down to the floor. "Um.. It's a long story actually. I got to get to class."

He went to walk away but I quickly stopped him. "Listen, I know you don't want to tell me, but I need to know. That girl was my everything at one point and I know when something is up. She may not be mine now, and you may have your eyes set on her, but I need to know she's alright. Please."

I begged him, him being my only source I can get to right now. I was desperate for answers.

His face softened and he took the few steps back to where I was standing. "Her moms boyfriend.. He's.. He's kind of crazy." He started out, shoving his hands in his pockets.

You're Not Safe {Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now