Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

It had been three days since that incident happened. Three days since I've saw Jane. Three days since I've been trying to contact her. Three days since my life took a turn for the worst.

I knew I messed up.. But she's not even talking to me! And since when doesn't she come to school?

I've done everything in my power to reach out to her. I've texted her tons, called her plenty, went to her house at least three times a day only to be greeted with her mom saying she's not available.

Her mom wasn't too happy when she found out, but she excused my reckless actions and said that Pete must've said something inappropriate for me to lash out on him like that. She said she completely understands because he was drinking. So luckily, I got out of that easy.

Not so much for my mom on the other hand. When Jane's mom came over and told her, she said my actions were absolutely unacceptable.

Then I explained to her. Yes, I told her everything that has happened up until she got out of my car that day. And of course the few punches that Pete received obviously.

I'm worried sick about her. I've even went to the extent of throwing things at her window. Which by the was doesn't help. Her window has been covered since Sunday when it all went down.

I mean I know what I did was wrong. I jumped to conclusions when I should've just asked her. I fucked up, I know.

I was wrong. Way wrong. And I regret it.

But does it really call for these measures? I mean skipping school just to avoid me?

I've made a fool of myself in front of her friends, especially Morgan. I've tried asking her at school but she won't give me any answers. All she's says is she's hadn't heard anything from Jane and she doesn't know why I'm all hyped up about it.

Maybe I am overreacting?

If she actually talked to me I wouldn't be worrying so god damn much.

But I need to give her her space.

Fuck space, I need to see her.

I grabbed my jacket off the coat rack and put my shoes on, getting ready to open the door.

"Harry, where are you going?" My mums voice sounded from the kitchen doorway.

I turned around to see her frowning at me.

"I'm going to see a friend." I shrugged nonchantanly.

"Jesus Harry, give her some space." She complained as she walked over to me.

"I can't help it! She's all I ever think about! I know I messed up but I need to make sure she's ok!" I exclaimed, not angrily but anxiously.

Without further word or my moms acceptance I walked out the door into the cool November breeze.

I walked across the yard, not caring if that was impolite or not. I really didn't give a shit.

It took three sharp knocks on the door before Jane's mom answered it.

When she opened it and saw me, she gave me a sad smile.

"I'm sorry Harry, she's still not accepting any visitors. Maybe to-"

"I need to see her." I cut her off, losing my temper quite fast. "Please."

"I can't let you do that. She strictly said she doesn't want to talk to anyone." She said, her eyes full of sadness as she inched the door shut.

You're Not Safe {Harry Styles}Where stories live. Discover now