Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

*Harry's P.O.V*

If I could wake up every morning like this, I would in a heartbeat.

Having the girl I really like huddled into my bare my chest has to be one of the greatest feelings in the world.

I never experienced this with Laura because all she wanted was sex. Now that I look back at it, that's all she was really good for.

After a few more minutes of thinking, I sat up a little, Jane rubbing her eyes.

"What time is it?" She yawned, stretching her arms.

I looked at my phone, "10:09."

She frowned, pouting at me. "We have to leave today."

"Mhmmmm." I hummed, bringing her over to me and hugging her.

It felt great to be able to do this whenever I wanted. I know we still had a lot to accomplish, but just being able to do what I wanted without her fussing about it was awesome.

She giggled, and pulled away. "I have to go talk to Morgan."

"Is she better to talk to than me?" I pouted, pretending to wipe away tears.

"Actually, no. But I need to go over a few things." She laughed as she got up and pranced to the door in nothing but my tshirt.

I sighed as I got out of bed myself, walking over to put some pants on.

Throwing on some sweats and a tshirt, I walked out into the hallway, pausing for a second to stretch.

In that second I heard someone crying. I decided to shrug it off, trying to mind my own business. Then I heard Morgan talking.

"Jane, what's wrong? Are you okay?" She asked worriedly, pulling her into her room.

That's extremely weird. Jane was just laughing at me as she walked out of the door. How could she possible be crying already?

Maybe she stubbed her toe or something.

Okay, lets be reasonable here.

Out of curiosity, I found myself walking over to Morgan's door.

I could faintly hear their muffled voices on the other side of the door.

"What did Harry do? I swear this boy is dead once I get-"

"No." I hear Jane choke on a sob, sniffling a bit. "No it's not Harry. I don't know what me and Harry are."

"Oh." She seemed more calm, "What is it then? Are you not feeling well?"

"I feel fine." She said more believable, "But I have to tell you something."

"Go ahead."

For some reason I could just see Jane giving her a small smile before continuing, "I'm not a virgin anymore-"

"What?!" I hear Morgan gasp. "I didn't know you and Harry were that serious yet!"

Jane sighed, telling Morgan to quiet down, "That's not what I m-meant.." She trailed off, bursting out in tears again.

Just when she was about to speak again, someone dropped a hand on my shoulder.

"Holy shit-" I started saying as I turned around, relaxing when I saw Tyler.

"Are you ok mate?" He asked curiously, an eyebrow cocked.

I laughed awkwardly, "Yeah? Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you were standing next to my door with your fists clenching and unclenching. Thought maybe you were angry." He shrugged before dropping his hand back to his side.

Angry. Yeah, I'm kind of 'angry.'

I'm actually quite pissed. Why? Because the girl I was starting to fall for just admitted to having sex. I know I shouldn't care. But I know it wasn't with me and it had to be recently. Why else would she wait to tell her bestfriend?

God dammit!

I let out a frustrated sigh before stepping around a confused Tyler.

I had to get some fresh air.

Grabbing my keys from my room, I sped down the steps, passing Liam as I went out the front door, unintentionally slamming it behind me.

*Jane's P.O.V*

As I walked to Morgan's room across the hall, I started rehearsing what I was going to say in my mind.

Do I just be blunt about it? Or tell her the events that led up to it?

Shit, this is harder than I thought.

I tried to keep it together as I ran my fingers through my hair. But just thinking about it made my stomach churn and brought instant tears to my eyes.

God, I was such a mess.

Before I could knock, Morgan's door opened and her and Tyler came strolling out.

As soon as Morgan saw my desperate state, she shooed Tyler away and walked over to me as I started sobbing uncontrollably.

Well this wasn't supposed to happen.

She took me in her room, shutting the door behind her as she asked me what was wrong.

I had to tell her now, there's no backing out now.

As soon as she started questioning me and accusing Harry, I spouted out the words that came rolling off my tongue.

"I'm not a virgin anymore." I blurted, quickly covering my mouth afterwards.

Shit, it wasn't supposed to sound like that! That sounds terrible and practically has 'slut' written all over it.

"What?!" She shouted, throwing her arms in the air. "I didn't know you and Harry were that serious!"

My eyes widened, shaking my head. "That's not what I m-meant.." I trailed off, looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

Her face was written with confusion as her lips parted, "I'm not catching on?"

It took one word to take a turn in this conversation. One persons name to roll off my tongue to send Morgan in hysterical sobs.

"Pete." I whispered, watching her eyes soften and her tears falling over almost immediately.

She started shaking her head as she covered her mouth.

"N-no." She whimpered, burying her face. "That- that bastard!"

She brought me in an overbearing hug, rubbing my back.

"I'm so sorry baby." She cried, stroking my disheveled hair as we cried into each others shoulders.

I didn't respond to her, just listened as she whispered things to me.

"You don't deserve that." She finally said, pulling away.

Her eyes were red and puffy, and she kept sniffling.

"Thanks for being there." I said quietly, wiping my tears. "I kind of don't want to go into details.."

She nodded her head, giving me a small smile. "No, I understand. Thanks for telling me."

"You deserve to know." I said in an almost unrecognizable voice, reminding myself that she does deserve to know.

She took me in another hug, "Oh my god Jane, I always knew you were going through a lot. But that.. That's unbearable."

She pulled away and looked at me with soft eyes, "You need to get out of there."

"I have no where to go." I said, biting my lip. "And I can't leave my mom. You know that."

She nodded in understandment. "I know.. But if you ever need to go anywhere don't ever hesitate to call me. I'll come get you in a heartbeat."

"You're the best." I half smiled, tucking some hair behind my ear.

"I know." She smiled, pulling us up. "Lets get out there so we don't look suspicious."

I nodded and followed her out, before she opened it I stopped her. "Wait, what about our faces?"

She looked at me weirdly before I explained myself.

"We've been crying."

Her eyes lit up before going over to her make up bag.

"Here, we got this."

I smiled appreciatively before putting on some foundation.

Liam was right, it does feel better to get stuff like that off your chest with people who you can trust.

I should've did this awhile ago when it all started. Maybe then I wouldn't be known for the girl with so many secrets held behind her eyes.

Maybe I wouldn't be known as the broken girl. Maybe I wouldn't be the way I am.

I sighed before stepping away from the mirror on the wall.

"How do I look?" I asked her.

She gave me a thumbs up. "Like brand new." She smiled, pushing us out of the door.

There was a double meaning behind that. I wish I could be brand new.. But not even make up could fix that.

We came out in the hallway as I walked back to my room across the hall, finding it empty.

Hm, maybe he went down for breakfast.

I walked down the stairs behind Morgan, going into the kitchen to see Liam eating cereal.

I smiled at him before checking the living room.

"He left." Liam said as I walked back into the kitchen.

"What? Where?" I asked wide eyed. He couldn't of just left without me. He went back home?

He shrugged, "I don't know. He stormed passed me like ten minutes ago out the door. He seemed mad."

"He didn't take his stuff with him?"

"No. He was still in his pajamas." Liam laughed, relief washing over me. At least he was coming back.

I wonder why he was upset though.

I shrugged as I poured myself some cereal, not bothering to pour milk.

I sat at the table with my dry cereal, munching on it slowly.

I was really curious as to Harry went.. Why would he leave without telling anyone where he was going?

Where the hell would he being going anyway? He doesn't even know his way around here.

I shrugged those thoughts off as I finished my cereal and walked in the living room.

Glancing out the window I saw it was pouring outside, well that diminishes any thought of outside activities.

I slumped on the couch, turning the tv on and flipping through the channels.

I came across a love sappy movie and settled on that, pulling a blanket off the blanket rack and cover myself up.

I realized I was still in Harry's shirt, but I didn't mind. It smelled nice and it was warm on my skin it actually covered.

I cuddled up to the blanket, watching this boring movie and occasionally letting my thoughts drift to a curly headed boy.


I woke up to the slamming of a door and the jingling of keys.

Sitting up, I saw Harry already staring at me.

I felt heat raise to cheeks as he shook his head and walked up the stairs.

What was that? Was he seriously mad at me now?

I shrugged it off as I recovered myself and fell back asleep.


Slowly coming back to life, I stretched my legs and arms, opening my eyes.

I barely sat up, just propped my elbows up to get a good look at Harry who sat at the end of the couch, by my feet.

When he saw that I was awake, he glanced up from his phone, "We're leaving soon."

"What? Why didn't anybody wake me up?" I gasped, flinging the blankets off me.

He shrugged, not bothering to look up this time. "I was going to but Morgan said to let you sleep. She said something about you having a bad day."

I nodded in realization, pursing my lips together before folding the blanket and setting it back on the rack.

The tv was already off, leaving me one less thing to do.

I was about to go up the stairs when Harry called over to me, "I already packed your bags. I left you an outfit on the bed."

I blushed and thanked him as I made my way back up to my room.

So maybe Harry wasn't mad at me. Maybe I just imagined him stomping through the door and giving me a distasteful look.

No, I definitely didn't imagine that.

Well whatever it was I was glad he got over it.

I saw an outfit laying out on the bed along with a bra and some panties.

How embarrassing! He saw my panties..

I quickly pushed that out of my head as I got dressed, pulling the new undergarments on and sliding my jeans and shirt on.

Just a casual outfit.

I set his shirt on top of his suitcase that was by the door.

Glancing at the clock, I saw that it was 3pm already. Damn, I took a long ass nap.

It must've been the rain that made me tired. Or Harry's shirt.. I have noticed I sleep well with Harry.

Whatever it was I was happy for it.

I walked back downstairs to join everybody else.

"Yay, Janes up and ready! Picture time!" Evelyn shouted, grabbing her camera.

I groaned alone with Liam and Tyler. "Do we have to.."

"Yes, we most certainly do! It's our first year up here in forever! And most likely our last. Now shut up and go to the living room."

I sighed, but listened to her anyway and followed everyone else to the living room.

They all stood next to one another in couple formation as me and Harry stood awkwardly next to each other. I can't say that I wasn't disappointed. But oh well, we're not dating so what's there to worry about.

"Say cheese!" Evelyn said as she made her way back to Liam before the flash went off.

I smiled as best as I could, faking my happiness entirely.

When it was over everyone muttered stuff and went to retrieve their suitcases.

I can't believe we're leaving already. I don't want to go!

"Don't worry, I got yours. Go out to the car and wait." Harry said from behind me and tossed me the keys.

I gripped them tightly in my hands, walking out to his black sports car.

I slid inside his car, being overwhelmed by his scent that lingered inside.

I could definitely get used to this.

Wait, what?

Nevermind.. Forget I said that.

Harry was walking out the car, struggling with our luggage and telling me to pop the trunk.

Once he joined me back in the front, he started fumbling around with the beanie that he sported on his head.

Without thinking, I blurted, "It looks cute."

Wow, nice going Jane. Smooth.

A small smile threatened to escape his lips, but he didn't let that happen. He just started the car, muttering a small thanks as he followed the others out of the driveway.


We were almost home and not one of us had muttered a single word. We just sat in an awkward and erie silence.

If had been this way the entire way home. I had eventually got sick of hearing my own heartbeat.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked randomly.

"No." He responded too quickly, tightening his hold on the steering wheel.

"Seems like it."

His jaw clenched and his knuckles were turning white from gripping the wheel too hard. "I said I'm not mad at you."

Me being my stubborn self decided to keep pushing him until I got him to pry open. "Well who are you mad at?"

"God dammit Jane!" He shouted. Bingo. "I already said I wasn't mad! Drop it already!"

"Yeah, you seem just peachy." I muttered before keeping my stare out the window.

*Harry's P.O.V*

I wasn't mad at her.

I was mad at myself, yeah. But not her. I just wasn't in the mood to put up with her torturing 20 questions.

I just thought that maybe, just maybe we could've worked out.

I know it's stupid of me to get worked up over Jane having sex.. But a part of me wanted me to be the one to take away her innocence. Crazy, right?

Another part of me is saying to just let it go.. We didn't confess our feelings for each other until this weekend and it had to of happen before then. I'm almost positive she didn't lose it while we were up north.

So she's in the clear.. She didn't know how I felt about her. It's not like she was evil.

But just wait until I find out whoever se did it with, I'll make sure to find them and kick-

"Harry, you're passing our houses." Jane spoke from beside me in a monotone as I realized I was indeed driving right passed our houses.

"Oh, yeah." I muttered as I put it in reverse, pulling into Jane's driveway.

I put it in park and expected her to jump out and run away from me, but instead she did the complete opposite.

She didn't budge, apart from her turning to look at me.

"Are you going to tell me why you're all pissed off now?"

Of course she'd ask that.

She just never gives up, does she?

I sighed, how am I supposed to stay mad at her when she's so adorably cute?

I didn't say that.

Yes, you did.

No, I didn't.

Yes, y-

Oh my god, I'm literally going mad. I'm sitting here arguing with myself.

I need to just tell her. She's never going to give up unless I do.

Finding myself in an overwhelmed state, I asked the first thing that came to my clouded mind.

"Why'd you do it?"

She looked confused, "Do what? Harry what're you ta-"

"Don't play stupid with me Jane!" I shouted, losing my temper all too fast. "Just tell me why you did it!"

"I don't know what the hell you're talking about!" She shouted back.

"I liked you." I said calmly, "I liked you so much, and you knew that!"

"Oh my fucking god Harry! Spit it out!" She threw her hands in the air, getting frustrated.

"Who was he?!" I shouted, throwing my fists against the steering wheel.

"I swear to god. If you don't tell me what you're talking about-"

"You're not a virgin." I stated, watching her go pale. She literally went so pale, all the blood draining from her face. "You knew I liked you.. So why'd you do it?"

No answer.

She was unmoving, stiff as a board.

I was about to repeat myself, but when I looked up, her bottom lip was trembling and tears welled up in her eyes.

She looked up to meet my stare, her eyes washing with anger once again.

"I-I was raped, you asshole!" She screamed as she got out of car, slamming the door as hard as she could behind her.

I was left with an open mouth and wide eyes, my heart crippling up and falling to the depths of my stomach.

She was raped.

How did I not see this?

Of course she wouldn't willingly sleep with someone out of random.

Maybe if I wasn't so caught up in being jealous and pissed off I would've realized that.

I stepped out of my trance and quickly got out of the car, popping the trunk and grabbing her bags.

I carried them to the front porch, setting them down once I was in front of her door.

Her moms charger was parked in the driveway, so I rang the doorbell instead of banging down her door like I have the last couple times.

The last thing I need is her mom thinking I'm a complete knuckle head.

When the door finally opened, my stomach churned and my face fell.

Fury was replaced with my stupidy as I looked back at the face who took Janes innocence.

If this was gods wish then I'll take it. But let me tell you, this was the last person I wanted to see.

He eyed me before scratching his beard and taking a swig of his beer before wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

His eyes burned through my angered once as I stared back at his disgusting face.

"Can I hel-"

I cut him off by connecting my fist with his jaw, making him stumble back a bit.

He looked up, raging, holding his jaw with his hand. "What-"

I cut him off once more, sending my fist threw the air and reconnecting with his face.

This time he flew back and landed right on his ass.

As I realized what I just did, I turned around and bolted to my car.

No, I wasn't running from him. I wasn't intimidated by him at all, but I wasn't ready to face Jane's mom once she found out what I did.

Quite frankly, I wasn't ready to face my mom either once she finds out.

But that was a well deserved punch. Well two punches.

And I don't take back either one.


Shoutouts- Go check out oneedream1D's new one direction book called 'Look After You' if you haven't already! Plus she has another, too. They're both so good. x

Authors Note-

Well.. What do you all think? Crazy huh?


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