Chapter 4

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Chapter 4


*Jane's P.O.V*

It had been a few hours since I'd been at Harry's and I still hadn't told him anything yet. But luckily, he hasn't pushed me to tell him. So far, he hasn't been that annoying.

"Hey Harrrrry.." I sang as I made my way out of his room. We had unfortunately still been studying on and off, and I learned some new stuff that I didn't even know existed. Yay for knowledge!

"Yeah?" I heard him call from the kitchen. He had been gone for 20 minutes and he said he was only getting a drink.

"I'm hungry." I pouted from the top of the stairs. He finally came into view and his blank expression curved up into a smile, I also realized he was holding a phone next to ear and had taken it away to talk to me.

"Who is that?" I mouthed to him, pointing at the phone.

He didn't answer me, just dodged my stares, and talked in a hush tone.

"No, it's no one. Just a friend. Okay, yeah. Love you, bye." He tried to say quietly but failed. When he hit the end button, I found myself rolling my eyes.

"Girlfriend?" I asked him, not caring if he had a girlfriend or three girlfriends. It wouldn't change the fact that he was self centered.

He shook his head back and forth, "No. Just my mum."

I shrugged, honestly not caring. "So what's for dinner?"

He raised his eyebrows, smirking, "Well what're you cooking?"

I snorted, "I'm so gifted that I once burnt water." Being sarcastic, but indicating that I have no idea how to cook. I do know some things that my grandmum taught me, but I kind of don't remember.

"So you're saying you want me to cook?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Okay, well luckily chef Harry is still open." He winked at me before rummaging around in the cupboards, pulling out pans and materials.

Chef Harry? Hm. Pretty boy can cook. Lets see how this turns out.


45 minutes later, he set down in a front of me a plate of pasta. Spaghetti to be exact.

I'm not going to lie, it smelled delicious. But looks can be deceiving.. For example, Harry himself. He's gorgeous, great body, perfect smile with a set of dimples, shiny green eyes, deep voice. But.. He's a real cheeky asshole.

I picked up my fork, ready to dig in and shove my face, {in a lady like manner of course}

I could feel his eyes burning through my every move, finding it kind of creepy. I ignored it and scooped up some noodles with some sauce, bringing it up to my mouth. Before I ate it, I smelled it first, getting a weird look from Harry. Then I started to blow on it being as I could still see the heat rolling off it.

All this foreplay was really getting to him, causing him to grumble at me. "Would you just eat it already?"

I tried holding back giggles as I shoved it in my mouth. I could still feel his gaze on me, seeing what my reaction would be. I'd by lying if I said it was gross.. It was actually really freaking yummy. However, I masked any emotion I was feeling towards the food, chewing it slowly and gulping it down.

I looked up and Harry was basically staring at me like I had just ate a human. "Well what do you think?!"

I shrugged, "It's okay."

His jaw dropped to the floor, "Okay? That's all?"

Well he surely took pride in his cooking.

"Yeah. It's alright I guess." I said again as I piled the delicious food in my mouth, trying to go unnoticed by the fact that I was actually enjoying it.

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