Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

*Harry's POV*

I woke up to beeping.

A really loud, obnoxious beeping noise that was right in my ear.

It pained me to move, but I opened my eyes, adjusting to the bright lights.

A hospital room. That's where I was.

"Mum?" I asked, referring to the brunette in the corner of the room with her head down.

Her head shot up, showing her bloodshot eyes and tear stains down her cheeks. "Oh, Harry!" She jumped up, running over and wrapping her arms around my neck.

"Ow." I complained as she squeezed the life out of me.

"I'm just so glad you're awake. We were so worried about you." She cried happily, kissing every inch of my face.

"We?" I shooed her away, narrowing my eyes at her.

She smiled and nodded, tucking some stray hair behind her ear.

"Jane and her mom are down in the waiting room. She said she couldn't see you like this and refuses to until you're awake. Oh, I can't wait to tell her the good news!" She chimed, suddenly becoming really happy.

"Whoa, calm down. Will you explain to me what happened first?" I grabbed her, preventing her from standing up.

She sat back down, reaching her hand up to my face and stroking my cheek while a single tear fell down her face. "Sweetie, Jane saved your life."

Those four words made my breath hitch.

"W-what're you talking about- No. She couldn't have-" I shook my head frantically, not believing it. Jane didn't save my life, did she?

I mean I remember the events now that I think about it. But Pete was holding a gun up to my chin-

"Did I get shot?" I asked suddenly, making my moms eyes widen.

"No honey. You didn't." She smiled, kissing my cheek.

"But Pete.. He had-"

"I know he did, Harry." She nodded understandably.

"Then how-"

"Jane shot him before he had the chance to shoot you." She said calmly.

Oh, so that's how she saved my life- WAIT, WHAT?!

"Jane shot him?!" I shouted, my eyes about ready to roll out of my sockets and onto the floor.

My mom chuckled, "Yeah, she did."

Another thought shadowed my mind as the thought made me shiver. "I-is he d-dead?"

She shook her head, "He's severely injured between you shooting him in the leg and Jane shooting him through the chest."

I gulped, processing everything in my mind. "Wow." I breathed.

"What about Leigh? What happened to her?" I asked, firing questions at her.

"She passed out after you shot Pete."

I found myself laughing mechanically. Leigh is a cop! How did she pass out? Doesn't she deal with a stuff like that all the time?

"You passed out due to the hits you took to the head from Pete. Jane thought she killed you." She found my hand, giving it a gentle squeeze as her eyes softened.

"How is she?" I asked nervously, afraid of the answer.

She shook her head, "She thinks everything's her fault. I've tried telling her so many times that it's not. Gemma and I have thanked her countless times for saving you, but she doesn't accept it. She says if she didn't take off like that then you would've never been in that situation."

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