Chapter 26

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Chapter 26

"Fuck." I muttered under my breath as I tried to retrieve my stray piece of cereal in my bowl. It was the last piece left and I couldn't get it.

"Fuck?" My mom asked as she walked into the kitchen.

I blushed, "Oh. Hey mum, didn't see you there."

"Sure." She smiled as she came down and sat next to me at the table.

"I have a date coming over tonight." She beamed, making my eyes widen.

"What? Already?" I gasped.

She smiled again, "He's a friend from work. We've had something going on for awhile."

I rolled my eyes, letting a small smile play on my lips. "Oh, well in that case, I can't wait to meet him." I said sarcastically as I stood up from the table.

Ignoring my comment, she went on about something else. "You should invite Harry over tonight."

"Harry? Why Harry?" I questioned as I put my bowl in the sink.

"I don't know, I thought you guys had a thing." She shrugged.

"Uh.. Yeah, well. I don't know."

She turned to look at me, "Well you like him don't you?"

I blushed again, looking away at something on the fridge. "I- um. I have to go to school."

She rolled her eyes but nonetheless didn't say another word. I grabbed my bag off the counter and started towards the door.

The truth was, I didn't know how I felt about Harry. I mean I kind of did have a thing for him all along and he's really caring towards me. But I'm not very keen towards the idea of liking someone. Well, not only that, but having a relationship. In other words, commitment. Not that I was a cheater, but I don't know the first thing about relationships when it comes to it. I'd mess up so much and make a fool out of myself.

I walked out the door and to Harry's house. I knew I was a little bit early, but I guess I was excited to come back to school. I do miss my friends, even though they hardly know the half of it.

My neighbor is the only person who knows literally everything and has been with me through it all, besides my mum of course.

"Hey, you're early." Harry yawned as he opened the door. Shirtless, may I add.

"I- um.. I didn't feel like waiting for you. " I tripped on my words as Harry chuckled, moving to the side.

"Come in." He gestured for me to step inside as I did so. "I still have to get dressed." He commented as we went upstairs.

Anne wasn't home, she must've left for work already. Gemma's bedroom door was shut, so she was probably sleeping I assume.

"Obviously." I chuckled as I walked into his room and sat on his bed.

I guess you could say I'm a lot more comfortable around him then I was in the beginning. It's no longer awkward around each other. It's almost like we've known each other for years, sneakily stealing glances at one another and having fun. You know.. Like two friends would.

He shuffled around in his room, rummaging through his closest and his drawers.

"This?" He picked up a cotton, red, plaid button up.

I nodded my head and smiled as he tugged down some blank skinny jeans to go along with them.

Harry usually wore the same thing a lot. His usual black skinny jeans and different button up shirts. I can't say I didn't enjoy it though because something about the way his swallow tattoos stuck out the top of his button up made me weak at the knees.

I guess it wasn't a surprise to say that I did like Harry.

He pulled his shirt on after he had got into his jeans. He ruffled his hair as he grabbed his car keys.


I nodded as I stood up. He takes like 5 minutes to get ready, where as I take like 45.

"I'm nervous." I said quietly as we were pulling out of the driveway.

"Don't be nervous, you'll have me." He smiled at me as he drove down the street.

I smiled to myself so Harry couldn't see me, the butterflies erupting in my stomach.

"Can I ask you a question?" I looked at him, trying to keep my brave side.

"You just did." He smirked, turning into the school parking lot.

I rolled my eyes, the small smile still playing at my lips. "Why are you always with me? I mean.. I see the attention you get from the female population at school. But you chose to be with me 90% of the time, no matter how much I push you away.. I'm just the broken little girl with millions of secrets."

*Harry's POV*

My body stiffened as Jane spoke those words.. Sending chills up my spine.

This is it. This is where I tell her how different she is from the other girls.. How much she means to me and I never want to have her taken away.

I turned to look at her as I put the car in park outside of school.

"Jane.. You're so much better than those girls who crave attention from people. Those girls don't mean nearly as much as you do to me." I grabbed her hand. I could hear her breath hitch and see the smile forming on her lips.

"What're you saying..?" She trailed off, holding back her grin.

"You know what I'm saying." I chuckled.

She feigned in innocence, "Please elaborate."

I sighed, "Let me take you out tonight."

"Tonight? Like on a date?" She gasped.

"Yeah, a date." I grinned like an idiot as her hand squeezed mine, jumping across the car to tackle me in a hug.

The old Jane would never do that.

She pulled back in realization of her sudden outburst that was so unlike her, and gave me a half smile. "I mean y-yeah. That's fine."

And with that, she opened the door and stumbled out of my car, nearly tripping over her own feet as I laughed.

She turned around and flipped me off, showing a discreet grin as she walked towards the building.

I sat there for a moment longer, staring out the window with a smug smile.

I hoped she felt the same way I did.




I need help with this story though. Basically I've come to a dead end and here are a few reasons why;

• I don't want to continue the story with just Harry and Janes love story because the title of it associates with Pete and nows he's in jail so I don't know how to make it interesting without going off track

• I don't want to drag the story on and have it uninteresting

• I feel like I haven't put enough Jarry in there to tie up any lose ends. Like I don't think they're close enough to automatically have a happy ending. It will take some time.

BUT- I have made some brainstorming ideas so far because even though I haven't been updating, I've been thinking about it A LOT.

So if you want to continue Jane and Harry's story, just the two of them, I can make a continuation or sequel type thing but with a different title. That way it will actually match the plot. But if you want to end things in the next few chapters and tie things up, I totally understand that too. I don't want to drag things out.

SO PLEASE comment your opinions below! The more the better! You won't hurt my feelings either way.

Continuation or wrap things up?

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