Chapter 9 {Part I}

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A/N: I want to start off by saying this chapter is obnoxiously long. I even made it into two parts. Sorry if it seems to drag! But please please leave me feedback at what you think when you get to the end of this chapter. Whether you think it's poop or good! Thanks! Much appreciated x

P.s- it's not edited yet, I'll get to that later.

Chapter 9 (Part I)

*Harry's P.O.V* (before the Jane incident with Pete)

"So how're you babe?" Her soft voice sounded through my laptops speakers as she played with her blonde hair on the screen.

I kept my lips in a straight line, not sure whether to conceal my thoughts or tell her the truth. "I'm fine love. Life's great here, different then I thought it would be." I shifted on my bed, looking past the laptop to the girl laying in her bed through my window without being obvious. I think I should be classified under a major creep now.

When I resumed my focus back on the laptop, I saw Laura frowning. "I was hoping you wouldn't like it there. I really miss you.." She trailed off, biting her lip. She normally would be really energetic and not so down.. I wonder what's bothering her.

I chuckled a little, brushing it off. "To be honest, I didn't think I'd like it here either."

Her eyes fell a little, scanning something next to her laptop. "You seem happy." She attempted to smile at me.

I shrugged my shoulders, "I've made some really great friends here over the past few days."

"Maybe I can meet them one day?" She mused, her stare burning through my eyes.

I coughed lightly, trying to cover up my snort. She could meet Liam and Zayn. I don't really think it's a good idea to meet Jane yet. Not until I figure out my feelings for her.

But I don't have feelings for her! Do I? No. She's just a friend. I care for her, yes. But I care for my friends as a friendly gesture. I don't like her anything more than a friend.

Yeah right, you moron. If you didn't like her more than a friend you wouldn't have tried to kiss her. Twice.

I pounded my head with the palm of my hand, trying to erase those thoughts. I kept my head there for a few moments, almost forgetting about my girlfriend on my laptop screen.

She cleared her throat, regaining my attention. "Harry? Are you okay?"

My head shot up, rubbing my face. "Wha- yeah, I'm fine. Of course you can meet my friends." I said with ease, not faltering my fake smile.

I honestly didn't have a problem with her meeting Liam and Zayn. But ONLY Liam and Zayn.

"Great sweetie." She smiled real big, probably honored to have the privilege to meet my friends. "So when are you going to come see me?" She grinned, already back to her normal, outgoing self.

Don't get me wrong, I really love her. But sometimes she can just be too jumpy and loud and just.. Obnoxious. And then there's Jane.. Quiet, sassy, keeps to herself.

Oh my god.. I really got to stop comparing those two! Laura's my GIRLFRIEND. Jane is my FRIEND.

Laura cleared her throat again. "Babe.." I looked back at up at her to see her face danced with worry. "Are you sure you're okay?"

I nodded my head, "Yeah baby, I'm just tired." I faked a yawn, making it more believable. I actually wasn't tired at all.

"Alright so I was thinking either I could come visit you tomorrow or you could come see m-" I zoned out her babbling on and looked out into the distance, resting my chin on my hand. I'm used to zoning her out, because she quite frankly never shuts up.

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