Welcome to New York (2)

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Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

*One month later*

I nodded for the tenth time in less than fifteen minutes to the woman that reported the facts of the possible theft in her house. I was beginning to think that by her age the poor woman needed some excitement in her life, and reporting the facts of a theft in her residence would help a lot. Because in less than a month she had already showed up at the police station four times, and every time she had only talked about the one object that she believed to have been stolen. Age really affects people, she narrated the events with such vehemence that I could believe to be real, when in fact it was just a fiction created by her unoccupied mind. Slowly I leaned my body, leaving my spine fully upright. Sitting for a long time made me incredibly lazy.

-And I saw when he jumped the fence. - the gray-haired woman completed.

I lifted my gaze that met the woman's, who kept a distressing expression.

-You saw the man jump the fence of your house? - I asked in disbelief.

-Yes, deputy.

I let out a breath of air, letting my body lean against the chair. Mrs. Dolores, as she was called, had come to the police station this morning stating that her TV Tele-King had vanished from her house. That when she sat on her old couch to watch her morning cooking show, she noticed that it was no longer there.

-Mrs. Dolores, with all due respect, where is your son? Does he know that you left the house?

-He went out to fix the tire of our car, deputy.

-Do you have his phone number? We can call him to solve this problem. - I said in the most patient way possible.

The woman nodded grabbing her phone from inside the small brown purse that remained on her lap. With wavering fingers, she typed her son's number to then press call. As soon as the man picked up, the woman extended the device towards me so that I spoke to him. The raspy voice on the other side of the line apologized for the inconvenience and informed that he'd arrive within a few minutes to solve the problem.

-There we go, Mrs. Dolores, your son Mark is on the way. - I said handing the phone back to the woman.

-But what about my TV, deputy? - she asked impatiently.

I sighed, exchanging a quick glance with Veronica who was at her desk in the back, holding in an amused laugh. To then return my attention to the woman who was staring at me waiting for a solution.

-We've already located it, and it's in the living room of your house right now.

From where it never left.

-Ah! That is great news, honey. I was really worried, that TV was a present from my husband. And it has a great sentimental value to me.

-I imagine, ma'am.

Even though that type of situation left me incredibly irritated, today I was in a good immutable mood, I mean, not so much. But still this afternoon I would receive the answer about my transfer along with Vero to the police station of the city of New York. It was my opportunity to change my life, and nothing could ruin it.

I saw officer Josh knock lightly on the glass door of my office, when I waved briefly for him to come in.

-Excuse me, deputy.

The man spoke upon entering my office.

-Yes, Josh?

-The lady's son is waiting for her.

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