New sensations (13)

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NOTE: For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "FWU by Kehlani", and when I point out again listen to "You Should Be Here by Kehlani" ;) 


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

I stood beside Normani while she tried to unblock the damn laptop that looked like it was dead. Allyson was focused on analyzing the FBI system and the data given by the Collins Enterprise's system. The silent breach just reaffirmed that we weren't dealing with amateurs, quite the contrary. The technological and intellectual preparation was as high as the ones we had in our base, which made me even more frustrated. Christopher's words echoed in my head, over and over again, tormenting my thoughts with the truth. I was doing a terrible job, he was right.

-I think the motherboard burned. I'll have to open the laptop. – Officer Hamilton said as she removed the cables connected to the device.

-That will take a while, right? – I whispered as I massaged my temples.

-A little, Agent Jauregui. I practically will have to assemble the machine again.

I looked at the watch, seeing the little pointers mark 10:13PM. I found myself simply exhausted. Both physically and psychologically. I closed my eyes and stretched my back, trying to relax the tense muscles of my stiff body. That had been the worst day since I set foot in New York.

-Lauren, you better go home. Try to relax. – Allyson said as she got up from the swivel chair.

-I can't.

-Of course you can. You won't make any progress if you are that nervous and that tired, you need to rest.

-I need to solve this, Brooke. – I muttered in a bad mood.

-It will take a few hours to assemble everything, but I don't mind staying. – Normani spoke calmly.

-I don't want to abuse your willingness, Mani.

-And you won't. We need to rest as well. – Ally said.

-But I have to. – I replied.

-Tomorrow we'll continue. You said you were going out, did you forget?

The shorter one asked, pouring a good amount of hot coffee in her blue cup. Instantly I remembered what I had scheduled with Camila, and only now I felt the urge to get out of that room.

-I almost forgot. I really need to go. Tomorrow I'll be here very early.

-Alright, I'll wait for you to continue. – Normani said.

-Okay, I'm going now. Lock everything. – I said to then leave.


After stopping by my apartment to take a good shower and change clothes, I drove to the Collins' mansion where Camila was waiting for me. The drive was long, since my apartment was on the opposite side from where the couple had their residence. But I didn't mind taking a little longer, in fact, nothing would prevent me from doing what I planned all afternoon. The businessman's imposing and arrogant air still caused me anger, his sarcastic words echoed in my head like a broken CD. I squeezed my fingers around the steering wheel of my car, seeing the knuckles turn whiter due to the strength that I applied there.

"You are doing a terrible job, and you are causing me the loss of a lot of money. If you want to be one of the best agents, you better train a little more."

-I'm the best, Collins. Much better than you... And it will be Camila who will prove it.

A smile escaped my lips at the thought of what I wanted so badly. My thoughts were still running frantically since the time I woke up, as if a million ideas crossed through my head per second. All very fast and turbulent. A normal person would go home and after a good shower would lie down on the bed to rest. But not me, I would do it differently. The terrible day I had only served as fuel for me to open my eyes and wake up to see the real situation. The challenge was bigger than I imagined, and I wouldn't give up so easily. I wouldn't let anyone run over me, much less humiliate me. I would return everything, and I would start with Christopher. As much as I knew how that was wrong, nothing would make me feel better. I could never return it all in the same way, I had an important case in hand and I couldn't afford to lose the greatest opportunity of my life by arguing with the "victim".

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