Red Alert (4)

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Camila Cabello's Point Of View

With delicateness I slid the piece of cotton on my face, removing all and any trace of makeup that I had used that night. Christopher, on his turn, was under a hot shower, making the steam fog up the mirror in front of me. I huffed angrily, but continued with my work. I felt a chill run through my entire body when a puff of cold air came into contact with me, I was wearing only a silky white shirt, which reached my thighs.

-Why didn't you tell me? – I asked as I wiped around my eyes.

I heard the noise of the shower stop, and through the mirror I could see my husband slide his hands through his hair, removing the excess water.

-What? – his raspy voice tone echoed through the shower box's walls.

-About the theft, Christopher.

He was silent for a few instants, until he opened the shower box's door.

-I didn't want to worry you. Can you hand me a towel?

I grabbed one of the towels that were on the counter, handing it to him.

-I am your wife, you have to share things with me.

The man grabbed the towel, which he slid on his body. Christopher was the owner of an enviable body to any men. His defined muscles, accompanied by his right height, with his challenging blue eyes, all this characterized him as an extremely handsome and attractive man. I got lucky, right?

-I know, Camila. I just didn't see the need. – he said when he wrapped the towel around his waist, covering all his nudity.

-I just worry.

He smiled and approached, uniting his body to mine from behind. The fresh aroma of the soap quickly spread. Christopher planted a kiss on my neck, making me shrug my shoulders when I felt a shiver run down my spine.

-I know you do. It would be weird if you didn't care about your patrimony. After all, all that is mine, is also yours.

-Exactly! I want everything in order as always.

The man wrapped my waist with his arms, while he rested his chin on my shoulder. I could feel the drops of water moisten my face, as I stared at us through the mirror. For many my marriage to Christopher was perfect, worthy of soap opera, but like every other, we also had our moments of crisis.

-Let's go to sleep? – I asked.

He smiled and deposited a kiss on my cheek, to then turn my body facing his. I felt my body come into contact with the cold marble of the counter as soon as he held my waist.

-We can do something better. – he said looking into my eyes.

Christopher's eyes were in a darker blue, overflowing lust. I closed my eyes as soon as I felt the man's soft lips on my skin, his hands closed on my waist in a strong grip.

-Or we can leave this for later. – I whispered.

-No, love. Come on, now it's perfect. – he insisted before taking my mouth in a kiss.

His lips moved initially slow on my own, in a light caress. I accompanied his movements, until feeling the tip of his tongue contouring my lips. I slightly opened my mouth, letting myself feel Christopher's tongue invade it with mastery.

-Chris... – I whispered between his lips.

-Shhh, let's go to the bedroom.

He guided me slowly to our bedroom, without letting our bodies disconnect. I backed up a few steps until feeling my legs hit against the soft bed. The man smiled between my lips, to then bring his hand to my shirt, which he took off slowly.

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