Check (19)

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NOTE: I just wanted to give a huge shout-out to the amazing and very talented Juliana (and she's from Portugal too, just like me) who does the edits/manips for Evelin's fics, her twitter @ is JaureguiMalik25. And now she's gonna do them in English too. Show some love, fam. She's the best! Okay, back to the chapter – For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "Gangsta by Kehlani", and when I point out again listen to "Psycho by Muse" ;)


Camila Collins' Point Of View

The place was big, dimly lit, and totally away from the city. It was a perfect choice to execute my plan. Nothing could go wrong in that moment, nor in future events. Everything was thoroughly thought out, worked, and executed, so that nothing could hinder that move. After all, that wasn't a mere game of luck, but of strategy. Only the best and strongest players survived in the unequal jungle of that board game called real life. And I'd show that my entry in that game had only one goal: to win.

-Put them in that room!

*(Play song – Gangsta by Kehlani)*

I heard the deep and masculine voice yelling in the background, echoing through the vast space of the abandoned warehouse. I walked slowly into one of the rooms, which was in a much better state than the rooms where the victims of my little game would be in. I heard heavy footsteps in the cold floor right behind me, taking care to serve me. I walked to the center of the huge room, where there was a table with three chairs around, and a small black leather couch; on the left side of the room there was a small counter with an electric coffee maker and bottles of alcoholic beverages. I believe that that must have been the best they could do to bring me the minimum of comfort during those moments there.

-Untie me. – I ordered seriously.

The man who now had his face free of the black cloth that covered him, nodded quickly, approaching me within seconds, to finally untie the knot in the rope that bounded my wrists. That shit was leaving me with red marks on my skin.

-Queen. – the other murmured, almost in a tone of respect, as he approached with a small silver case.

I rubbed my fingers over the red marks on my wrists, and only then turned towards the man. I faced one of the criminals with a superior air, until lifting my hands to the locks of the silver case extended on his hands. I moved my thumbs subtly to unlock the case that opened, giving me the perfect view of my favorite little toy. A smile flourished on my lips as I stared at the golden gun with .45 caliber that glittered inside that case.

-Ah, how I missed you, baby.

I brought one of my hands to the heavy and valuable object. My little toy was fully gold-plated, having only a few black details on the grip, where contained the initials of my name carved in golden gold. The man looked at me with a fearful look before closing the case and walking away. I held the gun firmly with one of my hands, and with the other I slid the tip of my fingers on the details of the gun. I felt so much more powerful with my baby in my hands, as if I gained super powers. As if nothing and no one could affect me.

As if Karla Camila Cabello was the most powerful queen of this world.

-I can't wait to use you again.

I lifted the golden gun, leaving my arm fully straight, being supported by the palm of my hand at the bottom of the grip of the gun. I closed one of my eyes to be able to aim precisely at the small glass that was on the window in the back of the room. I cocked the gun slowly, hearing that little noise that made my blood run faster in my veins. I felt the adrenaline spread, and that pleasurable feeling of immeasurable power take over me, take over every existing cell in my body, causing that damn frenzy.

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