Ransom (20)

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NOTE: Hi! Like I said in the note on the fic Dark Paradise, from now on the format of this fic and the others as well will be different. Since some people keep complaining because of the Brazilian format and the use of "-" instead of "", I'll start using "". I'll only change the "old" chapters when I have time. Probably next summer lol


Camila Collins' Point Of View

The sound of our high heels echoed through the empty corridors of that warehouse. I walked ahead, having Normani and Dinah following right behind. One of the men accompanied us to provide the services requested by us. I stared at both women as soon as we stopped before a thick metal door; they nodded briefly, and then I looked at the man.

"You can open it." I ordered.

"Yes, ma'am."

The man approached the door, grabbing the ring of keys from his pocket, and quickly took care of unlocking the door, which creaked as it was being pushed slowly by me.

"You can go for a walk. We'll call you if we need." I murmured at the man who alternated his gaze before the three women in front of him.

"As you wish." He said before leaving.

Dinah entered the dark room, followed by Normani and then by me. The blonde was incredibly beautiful for that situation, as if for my best friend that plan was also an act to be celebrated and reveled in the best possible way. She gestured with her index finger amid the penumbra of the place, signaling that we should be silent. I nodded slowly, and walked to the center of the room. Normani approached the wall, next to a control box. The woman opened the lid, and delicately turned the switch, turning on the spotlight on the man's body tied to an iron chair in the center of that cold room.


The blond was properly tied with his hands behind him, having his eyes blindfolded with a piece of black cloth. Maybe he was unconscious, because his body hung forward. A victorious and satisfied smile flourished in my lips in the exact moment that I had that image in front of me. I walked slowly, letting the sound of my heels be the only sound effect of that place.

"Let's wake him now." Dinah exclaimed.

She and Normani would be the only ones talking in that moment, I'd just watch the show like a perfect spectator watched her favorite TV show. I couldn't afford to participate, even if that's what I most wanted. So, I pulled another chair, putting it in front of his, a few meters away. I sat down on it and crossed my legs gently while resting my golden gun on my lap.

"It's time to wake up, honey." Dinah uttered sarcastically as she pulled Heitor's blond hair. "It's time to talk."

As soon as Dinah's hands left the man's light tresses, his head lolled forward, still unconscious. Normani casted me an intense look, then walked to the other side of the room, perhaps a bathroom. I allowed myself to analyze the body of the man in front of me; he's been there for a few days now, more precisely from the moment I left Switzerland accompanied by Lauren.

"The bastard is completely knocked out." Dinah grumbled as she gave some small slaps on the man's face.

"A bad villain, Dinah." I whispered, making her gesture again for me to be silent.

Before I could mutter in protest, Normani approached quickly, and poured a bucket of cold water on Heitor's head, who awoke in desperation amid a coughing fit.

"Wake up, dammit!" Normani exclaimed in a stern order, making a satisfied smile appear on my lips. "Playtime is over."

Dinah looked at her wide-eyed, and Normani threw her a little kiss in the air. I pointed to Normani and nodded as if to say "That's how it's done". Dinah just shook her head and approached Heitor.

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