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NOTE: I just want to give a huge shout-out to the amazing and very talented Juliana (the same Juliana who makes the amazing manips for this fic) and who now made this fucking perfect and flawless trailer for the fic, her twitter is JaureguiMalik25. Show her some love! She's amazing!


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

I remained lying on the soft padded of my couch, as my thoughts worked frantically over everything regarding what was happening. I felt truly tired, in every possible way, however, that wasn't the right time to rest or give up, on the contrary, I'd have to gather all my energies if I wanted to get out of that hurricane. I laid eyes on the badge placed on the wooden table in the center of the living room, scanning every letter that composed the object. During my many years on the job, in which I kept myself committed, giving the best of me, that was the worst moment. I hadn't chosen that profession because it was the most profitable one, or the most prestigious one. Behind that choice of life there was a feeling, a purpose. My family carried a professional background built over the police force, being them in the most differentiated positions, but the most fought for one purpose: Justice.

From a very young age, watching all those people, taken over by the courage to leave their houses to serve their country with the goal to protect the next, filled me with hope and courage. I knew that not everyone was honest, or completely right, but I knew there were good people, and it was in them that I mirrored myself for so many years, and it would be for them that I'd fight. When you're a cop, the sense of justice speaks louder, not to mention the sense of compassion. Sometimes, many forget that behind that present problem, there are many others that led things there. No one was born bad, the world just made them like that.

"You look so thoughtful." The woman said as she approached.

Keana sat down on the living room coffee table, right next to where I was lying. Between her hands was a porcelain mug, from which emanated a strong aroma of tea, accompanied by the smoke that got lost in the atmosphere. She still seemed a little shy due to our last contact, but I'd do anything for her to feel tranquil again.

"It's just that a lot of things have happened lately."

"Listen, Lauren..." I stared at the woman's worried gaze, who soon let a sigh escape between her lips. "Do you forgive me? I didn't want to go over you. We both know how these things work, the case would be handed over to someone else anyways. I'm really sorry."

I lifted my body from the couch, sitting up right in front of her, in a way that our knees were in front of each other.

"Keana, forget about it, okay? I was an idiot when I treated you badly." I held her hands, letting my thumb slide softly over the smooth skin of her hand. "I'm glad that you took the case, and I really want you to be successful."


"Of course! I know how hard it is to be promoted in our line of work, and if you have the opportunity, run after it."

"You're being so amazing." She whispered with a smile.

"And as proof of that, I'll give you all of my material. Everything I've gathered from the beginning. You don't have to guide yourself by it, but you can draw your own conclusions about it."

I got up from the couch and went to another part of the room, in the corner of the living room, where my desk was, a sort of private mini-office.

"That's wonderful!" She exclaimed.

I looked at all that paperwork scattered on the table, that was a real mess. I sat on the chair as I organized the folders of the Collins case. All the documentation, reports, and clues were there. Keana walked over to me, watching every item carefully.

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