Escaping reality (22)

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NOTE: For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "We can make love by SoMo" ;)


Camila Collins' Point Of View

I deposited a second kiss on the line of her spine, right in the middle of her bare back. Lauren was lying on her comfortable bed, totally naked. A mere consequence of our fun night. It was 4:30AM. I lifted my body slowly, having all the care in the world so that she wouldn't wake up. Lauren had her day off stolen because of the work I gave her, not that having sex with me for a couple of hours was a sacrifice, of course; but if her plans were to lie down and sleep, they definitely didn't go as planned.

"I have to go." I whispered as I deposited a small kiss on her neck.

She shivered in response, but didn't wake up, just moved her body in bed, from where I got up. I walked around her room looking for my clothes that were scattered on the floor. We removed everything from the living room so that we wouldn't be discovered by her best friend, but upon entering her room I was grabbed again, which made the clothes on our hands fall on the floor carelessly. After grabbing all the pieces, I went to the bathroom of her bedroom, where I took a quick shower. I had to get back home before Christopher woke up, I couldn't afford to wake up late, even if my desire was to wake up with some caresses from Lauren. I got out of the bathroom, seeing the woman resting in a deep sleep, her serene expression showed the evident satisfaction. I approached the bed, sitting beside her. I pulled the gray duvet, covering her body to the waist, and then slid the tip of my fingers on her white skin, as if making small circular drawings. I felt incredibly well next to that woman, as I never had felt in years. But I knew that I should enjoy that while there was still time, it wouldn't be long until the moment our relationship would have to be broken.

You shouldn't have come along. You only complicated my plans, Lauren.

I tilted my head forward, depositing a soft kiss on her mouth, almost like a simple brush of our lips. I got up from the bed, looking for a pen and paper, and luckily found a notepad in the kitchen. I went to her bedroom again, more precisely to the bathroom where I stuck the little yellowish note on the mirror:

'I couldn't stay until you woke up, but I wanted you to know that I enjoyed our night a lot. Thank you for taking care of me. – KC.'

I smirked at the sight of the note stuck on the mirror, and then I left the apartment. It was still dark, which facilitated the almost nil movement of people on the streets. I got into my car, or rather, Christopher's. I wouldn't dare leave in my car, and give the security guards reasons to talk. The tinted windows prevented any view of the interior of the car, this way they'd think that it was just a little escaped of my husband in the middle of the night. It was already past 5AM when I drove into the Collins mansion parking lot. I got out of the vehicle and walked into the house, everything was in complete silence. I looked around, and not even the employees were awake. I climbed the stairs delicately, as if stepping on eggs, and headed towards my bedroom with Christopher. I opened the door gently, noticing the full silence inside the room, but as soon as I closed the door, the light of the bedside table lamp lit up.

"Can I know where you were, Camila?"

In that instant I felt as if my whole body went cold. Being caught red-handed was one of the most difficult situations to handle. I closed my eyes, swallowing hard the lump in my throat. I leaned against the door and took a deep breath before turning towards the man.

"I went out to get some air."

I walked to the other room, more precisely the closet on the other side, acting as naturally as I could. Christopher was frowning, in anger or confusion. He got up from the bed, and walked in slow steps to me. I saw him leaning on the corner, while I rummaged through one of the drawers.

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