Hacker Attack (12)

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Unknown Person's Point Of View

I crossed the huge room, hearing the sound of my footsteps on the worn floor of that abandoned warehouse. I looked through the glass window, dirty due to lack of care, there was almost no movement outside. The time wasn't suitable to have a lot of people on the street. I looked at my watch for the fourth time in less than 20 minutes, the watch hands seemed to move slower than normal, or maybe it was just the anxiety of the moment. It was already past 2AM, when the light of a car headlight caught my attention. The more than familiar car parked right in front of the warehouse's side door. The car headlights turned off, making the black car almost get lost amid the darkness of the night. I turned away from the window and walked towards one of the tables that were there, serving myself a good amount of whisky from a beautiful and refined bottle. I added some ice cubes to the glass, along with the alcohol that was already there. I swung the liquid from one side to the other, before lifting the glass up to my lips, taking a big sip, which made my throat warm.

-Sorry I'm late, I had to pick up someone. – the person said, opening the door and entering the room.

I lowered the glass on the table, and faced the person with a confused and apprehensive expression.

-Someone? What are you talking about?

-Calm down, I'll explain.

-You better. – I turned around, looking for a place to sit.

I heard a heavy sigh and slow steps, informing me that the person was approaching. I sat on the padded armchair, to relax my body and keep calm.

-Well... You know that last time we tried, we didn't have much success, remember?

I brought the glass of Whiskey up to my lips again, which soon were wet by the strong scented alcohol. Only one sip.


-Because of that, I thought that we would need someone else to help us. And I took care of looking for someone trustworthy that would join us. And well, I found that person.

-I can't believe you did that. – I huffed in irritation.

-It was the best choice.

-You should've asked me! How could you make a decision without me?

-It was our best solution.

-Whatever, you could have said something before taking action.

-You wouldn't accept it. – the person exclaimed a little louder.

-Obviously I wouldn't, it's dangerous!

-And you want to stay stuck? You saw that the last time was a failure. We got into the system, but the financial sector was blocked.

-We could've solved that. With time and working together. – I let out impatiently.

I got up from the armchair, walking towards the glass window again. I took a deep breath, trying to keep calm to not explode in that moment. Hacking Collins' system and having that money was a matter of honor, and I couldn't let anything, absolutely anything go wrong. But putting another person in the scheme wasn't in my plans, never was.

-I solved that for us. The solution is perfect, and totally reliable. 100% safe.

-How can I be sure? – I asked when I turned around, staring at those fearful eyes.

I saw the person's chest rise and fall in a heavy breathing, as if giving their best to maintain their decision firm.

-I give you my word. – the person's voice tone came out as confident as possible.

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