Deposition (30)

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NOTE: In this chapter, y'all are going to find out what happened in the past, and what happened between Lauren and Camila, that led to all of this. And those explanations will happen in the shape of Flashbacks, but since there's a lot to explain, the next few chapters will also have flashbacks that will explain it all. Be patient, and enjoy :)

(P.S. the flashback in this chapter only appears towards the end, the beginning is the continuation of the last chapter.)


Camila Cabello's Point Of View

After a few hours, I was settled inside the black Rolls-Royce, just one block away from the New York Police Department. It was the first time that I was going to talk to the authorities after my husband's arrest the day before. The news of the incident spread like a virus; by now, the entire press around the world was reporting the arrest of the oil tycoon, Christopher Collins. I remained attentive to the movement outside, while I savored a glass of champagne, one of the most expensive, bought exclusively for that situation.

"Ma'am, there are many journalists in front of the police station." Carlos said as he slowed down, now that we were in front of the building.

A smile was born in the corner of my lips almost automatically. I lifted my head and stared at the cluster of reporters and photographers up ahead. I brought the glass up to my lips, taking another sip of the alcohol present there, before placing the glass on the support offered in the back of the luxurious car.

"There's no problem, Carlos. Stop in front of the precinct, I'm getting out."

The man looked at me through the rearview mirror and nodded, obeying my order in a precise way. The closer the car got to the frontal area of the building, the more photographers surrounded us. The shouting, accompanied by the euphoria outside, made me realize how bombastic that news was being. And it wasn't for less, Collins Industries was at the center of a scandal.

"It's Camila Collins! His wife!"

"Camila! Camila!"

They shouted while I remained in the same position, head held high and looking straight ahead.

"I'm going to get some police officers so you can enter the police station safely." Carlos said before getting out of the vehicle.

I grabbed my purse from the seat beside me, from where I pulled out my lipstick, a reddish tone, almost like blood, the same color present in my nails, contrasting perfectly with the black tube dress that covered my body. I slid it over my lips gently, before facing my reflection in the small mirror present in the front seat. My eyes had a slight black outline, highlighting my brown pupils, and now shiny. I smiled, satisfied with what I saw, and closed the mirror, putting the lipstick inside my purse again. I saw Carlos stop by my door, and I quickly put on my sunglasses. I needed to convey a shaken up image before so many eyes on me. The door was opened and my body was bathed with flashes of all the cameras present there.

"Camila! Did you know about your husband?"

"Do you know the person he killed?"

"Please, give us some answers!"

"Mrs. Collins, are you part of everything?"

Carlos and a few police officers led me through that tumultuous crowd of photographers and reporters who would give their lives for privileged information. I didn't even look at them, I couldn't afford any mistakes now, the plan had been executed, but it required some care on my part.

"Back away!" One of the police officers shouted, while we were bombarded with so many flashes.

As soon as we climbed the steps in front of the police station, I looked up and came across that pair of green eyes that watched me from the entrance of the precinct. Lauren was standing there, waiting for me, wonderful as ever, with a challenging and imposing air. Today she looked even more beautiful, she was wearing tight white jeans, a red silk blouse, and her typical black leather jacket, not to mention the black high heels on her feet.

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