Katherine Cooper (40)

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NOTE: For a better reading, start this chapter with the song "Sacrifices" by Tinashe, and when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "The Gunner" by MGK.


Katherine Cooper's Point Of View


The phoenix is a mythical bird, universal symbol of death and rebirth. It also symbolizes the fire, the sun, life, revival, resurrection, immortality, longevity and invincibility. Of Ethiopian origin, the phoenix, whose tail has beautiful red and gold feathers, is portrayed by a sacred bird that rises from the flames. And that's because it possesses the ability to be reborn from its own ashes after being consumed by fire.

I closed the book resting on my desk after reading those words printed on a yellowish page. A sigh escaped my lips after assimilating every little detail of that paragraph that represented so much of me. I removed my reading glasses, leaving them on top of the pile of papers in the corner of my presidential desk. I subtly drummed my fingers on it before lifting my body from the chair and walking slowly to the reddish-brown mahogany counter in the corner of the large room. I poured a good amount of Scottish Whiskey into a glass, to then add two ice cubes.

That morning carried a considerable weight on the plans that I traced after that whole disaster a year ago. Today would be the day when everyone could see the rebirth of who I am and still can be. The path of life that was destined for me, didn't allow the existence of gaps for failures or defeats. I had been raised and strictly trained to fight those who stand in my way. And it was due to following those teachings that I was here now, more alive than many might think.

"Excuse me, ma'am."

I lifted the glass with the Whiskey to my mouth, letting the lightly copper-colored liquid wet my lips now painted in a dark, opaque red. After feeling the inside of my body warm up with the drink, I replied:

"Yes, Amber?"

"Ms. Jauregui is here to see you." Those were my private secretary's words, which made a satisfied smile appear on my lips.

I took a step forward, approaching the massive glass wall that gifted me with a broad view of the skyline of the beautiful and structured city of Zurich. My eyes landed on the flow of cars that drove into my company's frontal parking lot.

Cooper Industries.

"Let her in, I'm waiting for her."

"Yes, ma'am, excuse me."

As I got closer to the windowpane, I could partially see my reflection. My hair was still long, falling down my back like a beautiful waterfall, although now it had a different color, blonde, bringing a radical change to my appearance. The light strands of hair contrasted perfectly with the black tube dress that had 3/4 sleeves and a rectangular front neckline. The lightweight and very elegant fabric clung to my body in a divine way, exuding a social and at the same time attractive air. Could I say with modesty how exuberant I looked that morning? After all, it wasn't a bad thing for a woman to think she looks incredibly beautiful, right? Especially when in a few minutes she'd become the center of attention of hundreds of people who waited eagerly in a huge auditorium inside that building.

On that Autumn morning, in Swiss lands, inside the monumental building of Cooper Enterprise, company born by the hands of the late Charlie Cooper, a new cycle commanded by me will begin.

"Katherine Cooper?" I heard the hoarse, feminine voice flood the environment, causing a loving smile to appear on my lips. I let the air that filled my lungs escape through my mouth in a heavy sigh. The sound of Lauren's heels on the oak floor indicated her proximity, making me yearn for her contact, when finally, I received her hands on my waist. "Are you ready, Queen?"

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