Collins Enterprises (3)

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NOTE: There's a trailer for the fic, the link is on the first "Little Note + Summary", and I'll add it here next to the pic (you can only see it on the computer, people haven't been able to see it on their phones). Enjoy.


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

Karla, or rather, Camila held my hand delicately as her lips curled into a devilish smile, connecting her eyes to mine in such an intense way.

-Pleasure... – she said as she approached, depositing a quick kiss on my face, to then whisper – I feel until today when I remember it, too bad it's not in bed.

The woman backed away, still with her eyes fixed on me. I swallowed hard when I processed her words. I blinked more times than I should, feeling a sudden nervousness take over my body.

Had she really said that?

Karla, I mean, Camila walked graciously to Mr. Collins' side, who promptly rested his hand on her waist in a possessive act. The brunette smiled at him, and then laid eyes on me.

-What are they doing here, my love?

-Commissioner Brandon and Agent Jauregui will oversee the financial turnover of our company.

-Is there a problem?

She asked worriedly. Collins looked at her, and then smiled widely.

-Nothing you should worry about, honey. – he said to then deposit a kiss on his wife's face.

-But I want to know. – she insisted.

-John thinks that we are being robbed.

Camila widened her eyes surprised, placing one of her hands on her chest.

-Oh, Christopher! And you don't tell me anything?

-Honey, I don't want to worry you! We have no proof, that's why they are here. – the man said pointing at us.

I felt my body shiver when I felt Camila's thorough eyes on me. She took a deep breath and slowly walked to Collins' desk, where she partially leaned against, crossing her arms under her breasts.

-So, Agent Jauregui, you are the one who will investigate this situation?

I kept a firm posture, I didn't want to look like an amateur in front of commissioner Brandon. But it wasn't every day that you were chosen to solve a case where the victim's wife had had wild sex with you.

-Yes, Mrs. Collins. I intend to give my best to this investigation.

-Your best? – her voice tone was suggestive.

-Yes, Mrs. Collins.

-Something in me says that your best is very good. – the Latina said with a smirk, and a devilish look.

I swallowed hard, looking away from the woman, to quickly look at Christopher, who looked at me naturally.

-I hope so, ma'am.

-I have to agree with Mrs. Collins. Agent Jauregui arrived recently, but I'm betting all my money on her. – Brandon spoke confidently.

Christopher approached analyzing me from head to toe. His gaze was superior and evaluative, somewhat intimidating.

-You think a rookie can unravel this, Brandon?

I squinted my eyes towards him, feeling the pure nuisance of his words almost in a sarcastic tone. Collins was a powerful, egocentric and purely arrogant man. That was noticeable in just a few minutes in his presence.

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