Hidden sides (11)

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NOTE: For a better reading listen to the song "FWU by Kehlani" ;)


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

I kept my eyes closed, while Camila distributed small kisses all over my stomach, heading towards my head. It must have been the third orgasm that night, I was completely fucking exhausted. My chest rose and fell in a panting and mismatching breath. Camila accommodated her body on mine, making me feel the gentle touch of her sweaty skin. I opened my eyes, staring at that pair of brown eyes facing me. Karla expanded her lips into a satisfied smile, showing off her white teeth. We were lying on the carpet of the lounge room, completely naked. I stretched my arm, letting my hand slide up the brunette's back, following the line of her spine until reaching her neck. The Latina brought one of her hands up to her hair, throwing it to one side, leaving the other totally free. The little illumination that bathed the brunette's body highlighted her most striking features.

-I had forgotten how you were so good, Karla.

She smiled and then bit her lower lip.

-I can say the same, Lauren.

Camila lifted her body a little, resting her arms around my head, now staying with her face in the same direction as mine, with a small distance between both.

-Of course you can. I'm great. – I let out smugly.

-We are a fine combination in bed.

-I shouldn't, but I have to agree.

-Of course you have. I'm the best you ever had, Jauregui.

-How can you be so cocky?

-I'm realistic, it's different.

Camila tilted her head, alternating her gaze between my eyes and my mouth. Slowly the brunette parted her lips, and hinted that she would unite them to mine. When I took impulse to kiss her, she backed away with that mischievous smile on her lips. I frowned, earning an amused expression from the Latina. I turned our bodies on the carpet, inverting our positions, now I was on top of her.

-This is not fair. – she exclaimed when I held her wrists with my hands.

-Everything is fair between us. – it was what I said before kissing her.

The images of last night with Camila flooded my thoughts, leaving no room for anything else. I closed my eyes, feeling the warm water running down my body. It had already dawned, right now the brunette should be sleeping beside her doped husband or not. I turned off the shower, grabbing the thick towel that was next to it. It took me a few minutes to be properly ready. Soon I left the guest room of the Collins' mansion, and walked down the corridor to the main room. To my unfortunate surprise, I found who I least wanted coming down the staircase.

-Good Morning, Agent Jauregui. – Collins spoke once he approached.

The man was now very different from what I was used to seeing. Christopher was wearing gray sweatpants and a very simple white shirt. His hair was damp and neatly combed.

-Good Morning, Mr. Collins.

-Sleep well?

-Yes, perfectly well. – I said without looking him in the eye.

-Great, I see that you are already leaving. Don't you want to have breakfast before?

-No, thank you. I just really have to go.

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