Confessions (33)

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NOTE: So there is no confusion while reading this chapter, the whole thing is a flashback in Lauren's POV, but it will have several memories of Camila, from how she met Charlie, the whole story, to her involvement with Christopher. Those memories are marked with *Camila's memory on*/*Camila's memory off*. But the whole chapter is a flashback.
For a better reading, during the chapter listen to "Human" by Bebe Rexha (put it on repeat).


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

*Flashback On*

I remained standing by the door, while Camila invaded the interior of my apartment even against my will. She walked to the center of the living room, on her dark, thin high heels, as she seemed to be looking for something there. I swallowed hard, and inhaled as much air as possible to stay calm. After a few instants, I lifted my head and faced the woman that was in the living room, staring at me. I slammed the door shut, and walked in lazy steps towards her.

"May I know what you're doing here? How dare you show up at my apartment?!"

"We need to talk."

A sarcastic laugh left my mouth as I leaned against the wooden pillar that divided one room from another. Karla kept her firm posture, very characteristic of her. That imposing, powerful air was predominant, even in a moment like that one, where she was clearly at a disadvantage.

"Talk? You're the last person in this world I want to talk to, Karla. I want you to disappear from my life!" I exclaimed angrily.

"Who do you want to talk with? With Keana who stole your place in the precinct? I warned you that she wasn't trustworthy, Jauregui."

"Neither of you are trustworthy!"

"Don't compare me with that little woman." She shot back.

"Of course! You're much worse than her. But tell me..." I frowned, and clenched my jaw, feeling my blood heat up. "How do you know about that?" I approached her, watching the Latina swallow hard. Camila remained silent, nothing came out of her mouth. "Oh! Of course, your accomplice told you." I said. "You're happy about that, aren't you? You can celebrate alongside that bastard your victory against me. That was what you wanted, right? From the beginning, you've been using me in this dirty game, like some pawn, to quench your thirst for revenge against that worm you call husband."

"Don't talk about what you don't know." She took a step forward. "I'm not on his side. I thought that was very clear."

"And you're not on mine either, apparently."

"You don't have a side. There's only mine and his." She said, staring into my eyes.

"Now there's mine. You're no longer dealing with a pawn."

"Lauren, try to calm down, okay?"

Her soft voice tone alerted me of her intentions. I felt the gentle touch of Camila's hand on my arm as her gaze tried to connect with mine.

"Don't even start! You will not continue with this manipulation!"

"I'm not manipulating you." She rolled her eyes impatiently. "I just need you to listen to me! You're blind with anger!"

"I will not listen to your lies! Jesus! You still want me to believe you? After everything?"

"I need you to believe me." She asked, staring at me intensely. "I imagine how you must be feeling, but I couldn't do it differently! I really didn't want to harm you."

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