Two Queens (34)

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NOTE: This chapter has the last part of the flashbacks, even though there's going to be a little on the next one as well. We're very close to the end, sadly :(
For a better reading, when I point out in the chapter, listen to the song "Ride" by SoMo or "IDFC" by Blackbear or "We Can Make Love" by SoMo, and when I point out again listen to "Fairly Local" by Twenty-One Pilots ;)


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

*Flashback On*

*(Play one of the first three songs: Ride or IDFC or We can make love)*

"I'm turning myself in to you now, Deputy. I'm giving you all the evidence you need to put me behind bars for the rest of my life. But before you do it, I want you to know something. I never, and I mean it, I never wanted to deceive you. I never wanted to hurt you." She said with a sigh. "At first you were only a carnal escape, for my thirst to feel superior. But I let myself be carried away by those damn green eyes, by your way of being..."

My chest rose and fell in an increasingly heavy breath. I felt my skin heat up before her gaze, in the face of her confessions about me. In an unthinking act, I lifted one of my hands to her neck, touching her skin.

"By your touch..." She whispered, followed by a surprised sigh. "And I got lost. I got lost in who I became, for you. I got lost in what you made me feel." She looked away from me, and took a step back, but I grabbed her.

"What do you feel, Camila?" I asked breathlessly.

Her eyes, which until then stared into nothingness, returned to mine, rocking my inside vigorously.

"I feel that I'm hopelessly in love with you, Agent Jauregui."

There was a battle inside my head. My feelings violently confronted my ideals. To surrender myself to those feelings would mean giving up a code of professional ethics for which I fought for long years, but to go against what I felt would mean fooling myself and lose what I really needed to be happy. Camila Collins might be the least suitable woman to get involved with, but it was with her that I fell in love. I needed her, more than my career as a police officer. I needed to show her that the possibility of a happy life still existed, and that I would give it to her again.

I closed my eyes for a few seconds, feeling my whole body shiver.

"Do what you have to do. I really can't take it anymore..." She whispered weakly.

I knew that Camila expected a negative reaction, I felt it.

"I need this to end." Her voice sounded choked again.

I took a deep breath, and pulled her body hard against mine. Camila gasped in surprise when my lips met hers. It was like a subtle touch of fire on a pile of gunpowder. The Latina almost moaned in relief when our tongues came into contact in a perfect sync. I was lost, with no escape. I couldn't go against that, I couldn't go against what I felt. I loved her, and saw it as my duty to rescue her from a miserable life like the one she had.

"Lauren..." She whispered against my lips.

"We're going to end this together, Camila."

"I can't..." She backed away, leaving me confused.

"What do you mean?"

The Latina turned her back to me, moving away from my arms. She looked a little confused, almost lost. I saw her shoulders rise and fall in a deep breath, as if she was seeking strength.

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