Switzerland Pt.1 (15)

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Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

I opened my eyes as soon as I heard the captain's voice sound through the jet's speakers. He was informing that in a few minutes we'd land on Swiss soil, and that we should keep our seatbelts buckled. I looked to my left side, having the image of Camila in a deep and peaceful sleep. She was exhausted after so many hours of flight, and ended up falling asleep. I checked if her seatbelt was properly buckled, when I felt the aircraft descending gradually. Camila prepared everything last minute, since the idea came completely by surprise to her, but it wasn't a very hard task, of course; with the amount of money she possessed, she only had to make a few calls and everything was ready for her. At first I thought about declining the proposition, since it wasn't the right thing to do. However, the thirst for more information consumed me, making me put aside my principles to get any information by a mean metaphorically illicit. If I followed the normal procedure, I should send a petition to the police department of Switzerland, asking them to get in touch with the bank, to demand the accurate information of the account holder; however, I preferred to do it my way. Once the wheels of the aircraft came into contact with the landing strip, causing that initial impact, Camila shifted on her seat next to me, waking up from her sleep. I pulled the zipper from my jacket to try and warm up a little more, while the Latina seemed to straighten her clothes.

-We're here, Mrs. Collins. – I let out with a cynical smile.

She brought one of her hands to her long hair, pulling it all to one side, and then she looked at me seriously.

-Cabello, Lauren. I'm Mrs. Cabello here.

-When you're away from your husband you're a different person?

She didn't say anything, just smiled. Within minutes the jet stopped at the place where we'd descend. Camila grabbed her purse from the seat beside her and stood up. She was properly wrapped up. She was wearing dark pants, a black wool turtleneck sweater and on top a very thick white coat. On her feet there were closed toe heels. Her long dark hair was loose and silky, the way I liked it. The door of the jet was opened, and soon one of the airport staff put the small stairs in position. I got up from my seat, and just like Camila, I was wearing dark jeans and a good and warm coat, but mine was black. And a scarf around my neck.

-Welcome to Zurich, ladies. – the man spoke politely when we set foot out of the aircraft.

The cool breeze soon came into contact with my face, making all the hairs on my body stand on end. It was winter in Zurich, the huge city of Switzerland was covered by a thick layer of snow, leaving its scenery somewhat drab and dull. The white of the snow covered everything and anything present there.

-Thank you. – she said to the man who nodded.

-The car is already waiting.

We descended the stairs, walking towards the black Mercedes parked right next to the aircraft, while the staff took care of putting our luggage on the trunk. Camila got in the car quickly, and I followed her. The brunette took a deep breath as she rubbed her hands together for warmth. I smiled and accommodated myself next to her, seeing her hair covered with a few snowflakes.

-I'm going to freeze, my God. – she grumbled, to then ask the driver to turn on the heater.

-Come here, let me help.

Camila approached quickly, giving me the opportunity to hold her hands to rub them along mine. Then, I blew a puff of hot air between the Latina's hands, who was seeking warmth. Her brown eyes stared at me for a few seconds, in which we held each other's gaze for an unknown reason. In that short amount of time, we stared at each other with a different energy. The brunette's eyes didn't express grandeur and much less sarcasm, on the contrary, I could swear that they were sweet and subtle. She slid the tip of her tongue over her bottom lip, wetting it slowly, to then swallow hard. She blinked more times than normal, and then pulled her hands from mine, accommodating herself on her side of the seat.

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