"Punishment" (37)

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NOTE: For a better reading, when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "Might Not" by The Weeknd, and when I point out again listen to "Found You" by Austin Mahone.


Narrator's Point Of View

Outside the Thurgood Marsh courthouse, there was a crowd thirsty for information about the verdict given to Collins. Camila was hit by camera flashes as soon as she stepped out of the building, receiving the attention of all the journalists and reporters present there.

"What will happen now that your husband has been convicted? Will you take over the business?"

"Mrs. Collins, is it true that your marriage is over?"

"Does your husband blame you for what happened?"

"Back off!" One of the security guards exclaimed. "Let her through!"

The Latina was led among the crowd of people who fought for the best angle. They wanted to record every detail of the case that took over all of New York's TV newscasts. With some difficulty, the Latina managed to get to Dinah, who continued walking towards the Rolls-Royce parked up ahead.

"Mrs. Collins, will you be the new president of Collins Enterprise?"

"She has nothing to say at the moment, respect that!" Dinah said firmly.

Both women got into the luxurious car, leaving the savagery of the photographers outside.

"God! You're famous and you didn't tell me?!" Dinah joked breathlessly.

Camila laughed somewhat nervously.

"Famous for being the wife of a criminal. But anyways, let's get out of here. Carlos, please."

The man nodded quickly and soon enough drove away from the courthouse.

"I couldn't see Lauren after I left the courtroom. I'm worried."

Dinah, who was looking out the window, just smiled. The blonde had accepted that the policewoman wasn't at all a nuisance in Camila's life, quite on the contrary, she had had proof of Lauren's loyalty regarding her feelings for the Latina, and she was really happy about that.

"Your policewoman left first. You don't want people to see you together, right?" Dinah whispered.

"No, not yet." Camila answered thoughtfully.

"What happened?" The blonde asked with a curious look.

"I can't believe that this really happened. You know?"

"Everything worked out, Mila." The younger one answered, intertwining her fingers with Camila's. "We did it."

After a peaceful drive, they arrived at the Collins mansion. Carlos parked in front of the main entrance, quickly getting out to open the door for both women, who then exited the vehicle.

"You're free for the rest of the week, Carlos."

"But, ma'am..." The man said without understanding.

"Enjoy! I gave everyone the week off. I intend to go on a trip, so I won't be needing your services here."

The man nodded and smiled briefly. "I'm sorry for what happened, ma'am. I hope you feel better soon." He said in a kind voice tone.

"Thank you, and don't worry."

"Alright, excuse me."

As soon as the man walked away, Dinah and Camila headed for the mansion. That house now seemed too big, perhaps it was the absence of the employees who walked around 24/7, or even Christopher's, who would never return there.

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