Suspects (14)

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NOTE: In this chapter's image, for those who don't know, the word dinheiro means money


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View 

After a quick shower and change of clothes, I drove to the police station as fast as I could. The news that the girls found the number of the account to where the stolen money was transferred brought more excitement and joy to my day, which by the way was already much more tranquil thanks to Camila. I didn't know how to explain it, but something that night had been different. The Latina not only gave me a wonderful and satisfying night of sex, but she also made me relax, and consequently forget my problems. The divinely delicious dinner brought a sort of calmness to me. I confess that having that side of the Latina was somewhat different, however, good.

-Good Morning, Agent. – one of the police officers said as soon as I entered the precinct.

-Good Morning.

I crossed the precinct's reception quickly, heading towards the elevators. My head began to work faster, bringing with it anxiety. I pressed the button of the floor where my office was twice, in a failed attempt to go faster. As soon as the metal doors opened, I headed towards my office. Upon entering it, I came across Vero, Normani and Ally.

-Finally! – Ally exclaimed as she got up from her swivel chair.

-Sorry, I had to make a quick stop at home to take a shower.

I received some mischievous looks, which I took care of ignoring. I approached my desk, where I had a jumble of paperwork next to the laptop that we got from the abandoned warehouse.

-Please give me the report.

Normani glanced at Veronica, who nodded.

-Well, Lauren... Since I was one of the biggest responsible for the lack of supervision of the system, I asked the girls to stay with me last night. – Vero spoke with her eyes focused on me – And together we assembled the computer again.

-It was a bit difficult and laborious, the machine had a good security system. – Normani said with a visibly exhausted expression.

-But the important thing is that we handled it. And we were able to get the transaction history. We know the numbers typed in the process, but only that. – Ally completed while pushing the piece of paper with the numbers towards me.

-With this numbers we can know the bank and the agency, right? – I asked as I stared at the numerical sequence.

-Yes. And we've already done a quick search through the police system. The account is in Switzerland. – Vero said handing me another paper.


Swiss banks and their unique way of protecting information is going to make things more difficult. It wasn't for nothing that many criminals tended to have their money properly saved in the Swiss safe. There, the confidentiality of information of any type of transaction or data was followed vigorously, unless requested by the account owner.

-We can ask for a warrant, we can get the information, and they will have to give it to us. – Normani said.

-For that we'd have to talk to the department of big cases there. – I muttered unsatisfied.

-I have acquaintances there. – Ally exclaimed.

-You could get in touch with them, send a team to the bank. – Veronica let out calmly.

-No... – I backed away from the desk, as my head seemed to work faster than normal – We are not telling anyone yet.

The three women looked at me confused, trying to decipher what was going through my head. I couldn't take any type of rash decision, everything had to be properly thought and calculated.

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