Interferences (7)

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Camila Cabello's Point Of View

The dinner proceeded slowly, in a sort of psychological torture for me. Christopher conversed politely with Thomas, who was smoking his Scottish cigar, letting out the puffs of smoke through his thick lips, amid fake and forced smiles. Business meetings were always like this, one wanting to swallow the other, to do better, to have the best offer, but in the end always closing a deal. The lack of patience that night made me remain quiet during the entire dinner, except for brief exchanges of words with my husband, who by the way seemed to have sensed my irritation. Christopher stared at me for brief seconds, and rested his hand on my thigh, caressing lightly. I didn't even move, I continued savoring the red wine that filled my glass of fine crystal.

-This restaurant is very good, Collins. – Thomas spoke good-humored.

-I love it too. It was here that I asked my wife to marry me, right baby?

I flashed a wry smile, and lightly removed Christopher's hand from my thigh, placing it on the table. He swallowed hard, staring at me with narrowed eyes.

-Yes. Good memories from here. – I allowed myself to say.

-I imagine so.

Perhaps that was one of my few interactions that dinner. I was in a bad mood, angry, furious to be more exact. Before we left Collins Enterprise, Christopher had the "brilliant" idea to dismiss Lauren's services. Ordering her to leave in my car, and to take the secretary home before returning the vehicle to our garage. Should I even say how much that irritated me? Seeing the agent's smile as she led the miserable secretary to the exit caused me a sudden burst of anger. But I knew my limits very well, and where I can reach.

On the way back home I remained quiet, just like during dinner. Our driver was driving the vehicle at a high speed, according to my orders. Next to me, Christopher kept quiet as he smoked one of his cigarettes. He stared at the buildings outside, in a distracted gaze, almost lost. When he took a deep breath and turned towards me.

-Can I know the reason why you are like this?

I let my eyes look away from the images outside the vehicle to land them on Christopher's confused expression. He stared at me with that pair of intense blue eyes, squeezed by his open eyelids.

-Is it because of your car? Because I let Lauren use it?

I wish it was because of that. Imagining that secretary making out with Lauren in my car caused me anger.

-Obvious! Why else would it be?

The man rolled his eyes impatiently, he brought the cigarette up to his lips taking one last drag before putting it out in the ashtray on the right. He shook his head slowly and looked at me.

-What's the problem in that? She drove you here, right?

-Yes! And because of that you will offer my car for her to take your little secretary home? – I said, emphasizing on the words "my car" and "little secretary".

Christopher grinned, still with his eyes fixed on me. I frowned at him, being taken by the confusion of that moment. Why the hell was he laughing?

-So that's it? – he asked amid a loud laugh.

-What? – my voice tone revealed how upset I was.

-You are jealous of me with Clarice? You are acting like this because I asked for her to be taken home?

I tried to formulate a sentence before that stupid idea of Christopher, but I knew that the truth was not welcome there. What would my husband say if he knew that my nuisance wasn't for him, but for Lauren? I believe it wouldn't end well. I closed my eyes and shook my head.

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