Game over? (17)

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Unknown Person's Point Of View 

The smoke escaped the porcelain cup, releasing the coffee's delicious aroma; it was the only thing that could make someone awake this late at night. I brought the cup now to my lips, letting the dark and hot liquid come into contact with my tongue, while my laptop took care of turning on.

-I don't understand why we can't do this another time? – the person asked in an irritated tone.

-You know that I don't have any time in the morning.

I heard a heavy sigh from the person in front of me, in pure irritation because of the meeting time. Working on this was much more comfortable and safer during the night, when we didn't have the whole world working.

-Great. – the person let out sharply.

I rolled my eyes impatiently, watching the computer finally turn on. It didn't take long, soon I took care of accessing the UBS website, the Swiss bank where the money taken from Collins' Enterprise was deposited. I typed the account number, access codes. And waited patiently the loading of the main page.

-Everything in order? – the person asked, staring at me.

-Yeah, everything seems normal.

-Then hurry up, transfer the damn money. – the person grumbled, approaching me.

I nodded quickly, and when I tried to carry out the transfer process, a new window opened on the screen:

"Access denied. Amount withheld by bank procedures. Please contact your agency."

-Shit! – I exclaimed in irritation, banging my fist on the table.

-What happened?

-The money is withheld, that damned cop must have done something. – I said and got up from the chair, feeling my whole body seethe with rage, the whole sum of money now couldn't be moved – This can't really be happening.

-We knew that eventually it could happen.

-It was stupid to leave it there, dammit!

-What now?

-Everything is lost.

Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View

Camila was standing in front of me, covered with a robe and a smile on her lips. I swallowed hard, letting my mind try to organize itself amid the impact of the information contained therein.

-What happened? You have this look on your face... – she asked as she approached, sitting next to me.

-Nothing, I just...


I felt her soft and delicate hand touch my chin, lightly pulling my face to face her. Camila's brown eyes were fixed on me, showing certain confusion.

-We have to go.


-I need to go back to the precinct, I have to close my investigation, and issue an arrest warrant. I managed to find out the name of the account owner.

Camila widened her eyes and smiled surprised, she got up from the couch beside me with a contagious excitement.

-Oh, God! That's wonderful!

-Yes! I know!

-And who is it? – she asked as she sat down beside me.

-Camila... – I let out hesitantly – I can't give any information yet...

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