Punishment (8)

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NOTE: Evelin is with writer's block so the chapters will take more time to come out, but as soon as she posts them I'll translate and post them. There is another trailer for Checkmate, you can see it up there or go to the "Little Note + Summary" page and the link will be there.


Camila Cabello's Point Of View

I walked in slow steps next to Christopher to the entrance of Collins Enterprise. He looked at me from the corner of his eyes and flashed me a happy smile. Last night we made up right after I got home from the Sky Room. My husband was already home, lying in our bed as he watched the comments of the game he had gone out to see. And I, like a good wife, gave him the affection that he had asked so much the night before, which resulted in a good-humored man the next day, to the point of fulfilling a small request of mine.

-Are you sure you don't want me to ask someone from HR to do it? – he asked as he waved to one of the employees.

-I am, my love.

We passed through the biometric identification system in the entrance, receiving some discreet looks. At C.E. the employees always kept a serious posture, without showing any apparent type of distraction. Everything thanks to the strict supervisors, who were under Christopher's command. We crossed the entrance's main wing, walking towards the elevators on the other side. Two of the three elevators were occupied, leaving the one on the left side. It didn't take long and we were on the top floor, where my husband's office was. That area was reserved solely for his office, having a division only for the secretary's desk, which until now was completely empty.

Late, how wonderful.

-And then you say that I have no reason. – I spoke as I slid the tip of my fingers on the cold wood of Clarice's desk.

Christopher gave me a look that said "you are exaggerating". But soon turned towards the door, entering his office. I walked quickly on my stiletto heels, right behind him. My husband dropped his brown leather briefcase on the desk and then unbuttoned the last three buttons of his navy blue blazer. He sat on his chair and let his attention be stolen by the papers that were on his desk. I approached him, bringing my hands to his shoulders where I squeezed slowly.

-I won't be long here, okay? I have to go to the gallery with Dinah. – I said depositing a kiss on his neck.

-Alright, honey. I also have a series of meetings today.

Christopher looked out of the office, probably looking for any sign of Clarice. He partially lifted his arm to look at the time in his gold watch, it was already past 8AM and no sign of her.

-She is never late.

-Dinah told me that she saw her at Sky Room yesterday. She must be hangover.

Before I could say anything else, we heard the noise of the elevator's beep. Making room for a hurried Clarice, and somewhat clumsy. The woman still had her face with light marks of who had just woken up. Her uniform had wrinkled folds of pure carelessness.

-I'm sorry about the delay, Mr. Collins. – she said as soon as she set foot inside the office.

Christopher stared at the woman for a few seconds, just like me. I slid my thin fingers on my husband's shoulders, as I analyzed Clarice's posture in front of us. The image of Lauren together with that woman was drawn in my thoughts, making me expel any kind of pity I could have.

-Clarice, I want you to go to HR. We won't be needing your services anymore.

The woman let her jaw drop in surprise, she wasn't expecting such news at that time of the morning. I took a deep breath, lifting my head in a firm posture.

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