Exhibition (9)

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NOTE: Evelin left a little message that I translated – "Well, in this fic Camila is married to Christopher Collins, so it's natural that both have demonstrations of affection. So, even if you don't like it, try to be patient with it lol. It's all part of the plot."
For a better reading listen to the song "Do I Wanna Know by Arctic Monkeys" when I tell you to on the chapter ;)


Unknown Person's Point Of View

I stepped again on the car's gas pedal, which moved a few meters forward. The traffic in New York was as always a chaos. The line of cars in front of me took away all and any desire to cross the city to visit my favorite place. I turned the small stereo button linked to my car dashboard, listening to the music extend throughout the interior of the car. The noises of the cars and complaints outside were gradually ceasing with the driving of the vehicles. I put my forehead on the steering wheel when I noticed the red light turn on in the traffic light. The shrill sound of the horns around me made me realize that the signal was already green. I drove the car to the next corner, stopping in one of the best coffee shops in the neighborhood. Very close to where I used to always go. Collins Enterprises. I parked my car in the first spot, a Rav4 Toyota, right next to the entrance door. I looked around and grabbed the black backpack that was placed on the passenger seat. After turning on the car alarm, I walked in slow steps to the entrance of the coffee shop. Some people who walked through the entrance door flashed a gentle smile and then left. The place was sophisticated and cozy. It had retro décor, with furniture and objects that nowadays seemed to have no value, but there fit in well. I headed towards the last table, sitting on the chair that faced everyone who was there. I dropped the backpack next to me, when I could notice the presence of one of the waitresses very close.

-Can I get you anything?

A red-haired girl with freckles on her face asked. She had a notepad and small blue pen in hand. I brought my eyes to the menu, before choosing one of the first options.

-Give me a double espresso.

-Anything else?

-For the time being no, thank you.

The young woman finished writing down on her small notepad and then left. Then I grabbed my laptop, which was inside the backpack. I turned on the device that was ready within seconds.

-Let's see how things are going at Collins Enterprises.

I quickly typed the password for the computer to free the access. I clicked on the small shortcut of the program used by Christopher's company, opening a small window where it asked the login and employee password.

-Let's test this.

Before making any attempt to enter the digital system of Collins, I took care of activating the IP disguiser. With the latest information obtained by me, some kind of investigation was being made. And having my computer as a reference wasn't in my plans. Soon the program disguised the IP, thus giving me tranquility to continue. I went back to Collins' main window, typing the login and password used by me in the last times in which I made a little visit to the system. The first access was quickly denied. I tried again, and again the red letters reported "access denied".

-Dammit. – I exclaimed.

The third attempt would block the login, and instantly an alert message would be sent to the system's central. I took a deep breath when the redheaded waitress approached.

-Here's your coffee. – she said as she deposited the cup of coffee on the table.

I thanked with a brief smile and then the young woman left. I picked up the cup, lifting it to my lips. I inhaled the aroma that was spreading among the smoke that left the hot liquid, before taking a small sip. I placed the cup back on the wooden table, to then turn my attention back to the computer. I deleted the letters written in the login, to try with another. And again the access was denied. It seemed that Collins Enterprise's system was blocking any kind of fickle user.

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