End of reign (38)

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NOTE: For a better reading, when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "Dusk Till Dawn" by Zayn ft. Sia.


Narrator's Point Of View

"Get in, goddammit!" One of the police officers exclaimed.

Christopher closed his eyes, trying to control himself in face of such ignorance of the officer who was guiding him, but he was soon enough pushed harshly into the police van. The men, properly armed, handcuffed his wrists and placed him on one of the back seats. After being sentenced to jail, Collins was being transferred to the Downstate Prison, where he'd serve forty-two years in prison for his crimes.

"We could be home, but we have to take this asshole to prison."

"Don't complain so much, Bryan! We'll leave him there and then drive back to the city."

"I heard that you're an important businessman, now just look where you're going to spend the rest of your life." The tall blond police officer, Bryan, mocked as he settled himself on the passenger seat.

"I read about his case. I heard that his wife put him behind bars, can you believe it? I saw her picture in the newspaper and God!" The dark-haired police officer commented, accommodating himself on the driver's seat.

"She's a hottie. I would love to have her all for myself. You'd let me, right, pal? Now that you're going to die in a cell, I can take over your role." The blond laughed mockingly.

Collins remained still on his seat. He seemed lost or too focused on his own thoughts. His psychic state was somewhat frightening, since everything was restricted to his new plans, which would soon be fulfilled. He drummed the tip of his fingers on his thigh as he hummed softly. His troubled mind remembered every moment beside his wife, emphasizing every little detail present in her. Camila had become the sole target of that man's desires, and he wouldn't rest until he had her again.

"Let's go to your new home, king." The police officer sneered, followed by a laugh.

The drive would be long, but Collins didn't seem to care. The time gave the officers a bland traffic, since they were driving late at night. Collins started to knock his feet in the corner of the van, causing a continuous and annoying noise.

"Will you stop that shit?" The blond shouted.

The businessman continued as he stared at the van's dashboard from where he was sitting. It was past 1AM, and the GPS indicated that the car had already left downtown. He continued to knock his foot, increasing the frequency of the knocks in an act of malicious mischief. The path they were driving through was deserted and somewhat dark.

"What does this fucker think he's doing?" The other officer grunted angrily.

"He wants to die before he gets to prison."

Christopher continued knocking his foot harder, making the noise unbearable. He saw partially the light of headlights through the dark window of the vehicle, indicating that the game was still on.

"Shit! Stop now!" The blond policeman pointed his gun at the detainee, who continued with all the disarray. "I'm going to kill this son of a bitch!"

The knocks got louder, now in several places. Collins smiled in a disturbing way, and when the blond officer took impetus to lower the partition between the compartments, the van was violently hit on the side, causing the other police officer on the steering wheel to brake abruptly.

"What the fuck?!" The dark-haired policeman exclaimed, frightened, stopping the vehicle in the middle of the deserted road.

"Speed up and get us the hell out of here, goddammit!" The blond shouted.

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