The Queen (41) - The end

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NOTE: For a better reading, when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "Bad Bitch" by Bebe Rexha.


Katherine Cooper's Point Of View

A few weeks later...

"Are you sure you want to sell this place?" Lauren asked as she tied her hair in a sloppy ponytail.

We were inside the apartment where Dinah and I had lived during our college years in Zurich. It had been bought by Charlie, as a grand gift to the both of us for landing a spot in one of the best institutions in the country.

"Yes, in fact, it's already sold."

"You sold this place for a very low price, but I won't complain, I know you did it because it was for Veronica."

"Yes, I have to redeem myself after the scare we gave her when she saw I was alive." I said as I placed some of the last items in a box. "And for stealing her best friend too."

"She was really scared, but knowing your whole story made her admire you. Of course she was a little upset that I didn't go back to New York, but now that she knows we're getting married, she wanted to move to the same city."

"She loves you very much, and that's beautiful. You're like sisters, like Dinah and me." I shrugged as I scanned the living room with my eyes.

"Yes, exactly like that. Did you know that Vero knew from the start that I was going to fall in love with you? It's funny to remember all the times we talked about that."

"She was right. I always thought that Veronica was very wise, that's why I told her about my life."

Lauren approached slowly and wrapped her arms around my waist. I smiled at her and kissed her mouth quickly.

"Weren't you afraid she would tell everyone?"

"No, I was afraid to tell you because you were such a little goody two shoes, but Iglesias seems to be more understanding, and less hard headed."

The woman frowned, feigning indignation.

"Next you'll say that you chose the wrong woman in our first threesome."

"On a second thought... I think you may be ri-"

"Don't finish that!" Lauren exclaimed as she covered my mouth with her hand.

The laugh I let out due to her totally impulsive act was inevitable.

"You're so funny..." She grumbled as she pulled her hand away.

"Don't be like that, of course I chose the right woman." I said as I pulled her to me. "You won me over during sex, Keana wasn't that good."

"I won you over way before that, my dear."

"Hm, really?"

"Really, I know you sat down next to me in that bar with ulterior motives."

"I taught you too many things, hell." I grumbled, now making the deputy laugh.

Lauren pulled me to her again, making our bodies stagger back. I felt my back hit the concrete wall softly as her body pressed against mine.

"You did, and now I can use it all against you."

I closed my eyes when the woman's soft lips touched my neck, while her hands slid from my waist to my ass. I sighed somewhat surprised, and aroused.

"Dinah and Normani are right over there, don't make me do something crazy."

"We really are, and we're not that far away!" Dinah exclaimed upon entering the room alongside Normani.

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