Switzerland Pt.2 (16)

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NOTE: For a better reading when I point out in the chapter listen to the song "One Dance by Drake", and when I point out again listen to the song "Ride by SoMo" ;)


Lauren Jauregui's Point Of View 

Zurich was a very beautiful city, I confess that winter had made it even more charming. Seeing its buildings covered by the layer of snow gave a subtle air to the place. I stayed for a few minutes on the room's balcony, just watching the smooth traffic of cars and the movement of people around, while Camila finished getting ready. We were getting ready to get on our way to Saint Moritz, a small town in Switzerland, which according to the Latina was two and a half hours away from where we were. We couldn't go far away from the center of Switzerland, since I still had business to take care with UBS. The eagerness to finally find out the name of the owner of the millionaire account was consuming me; my brain seemed to work at all times analyzing all the probabilities existent in that answer. The only minutes that my thoughts weren't buried in the investigation were when they were lost on the woman who accompanied me. Camila and I haven't even had sex once since we set foot in Switzerland, even having great opportunities for that, we didn't. Not for lack of desire, but, well... I didn't know why.

I rubbed my hands on my arms, causing friction to warm me up. I walked back into the suite, seeing Camila in front of the mirror. The brunette was wearing a white blouse with long sleeves, black high waist pants that had suspenders as accessory; on her feet there were black closed in shoes. Her hair was loose and wavy, falling perfectly well down her back. On her head there was a delicate red beret, giving the Latina a further charm.

-Are you ready? – she asked as she turned towards me.

-Just waiting for you.

Camila stretched her arm to grab the black overcoat from the dresser in front of her. She put it on quickly to protect herself from the cold, then she grabbed the black scarf that was on the dresser next to the piece she put on seconds ago, and then walked towards me. Delicately, the brunette put the accessory around my neck, wrapping the delicate fabric around my neck only once.

-I'm ready. – she said as she looked at me.

-Then let's go.

We closed our stay at the hotel quickly while one of the employees put our luggage in the car. Camila seemed excited about the idea of going to another city, because her smiles were broad and kind. The atmosphere between us was not a teasing one, much less a sexual one, on the contrary, since we arrived to Switzerland everything was calm.

-Where's the driver? – I asked as soon as we approached the vehicle.

-This time we won't have a driver. It'll be just you and me. – she said smiling – Want to drive?

She didn't even give me time to answer, just threw the small key of the gray Range Rover Evoque towards me. The drive was long and tiring, since I'd have to pay extra attention due to the overcast morning. However, Camila always took care of keeping a casual conversation with me so that I'd remain attentive to the road. We were arriving to Saint Moritz, the city was much smaller than Zurich, it kind of looked like a colonial village, simple, but with a distinctive beauty. The small houses and the few not very high buildings stood out amid the Swiss Alps in the background, providing a really wonderful landscape. Camila was visibly distracted before the privileged image we had of Saint Moritz, her eyes didn't lose focus of the window for a second. Today, unlike other days, the brunette seemed different. I might sound crazy, but Camila in those instants had lost her superior air and the visible inflated ego. I took my eyes off the straight road and rested them on the brunette for a split second, and as if I couldn't contain myself, one single word left my lips:

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