5. ''Would you like to go on a date with me?''

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HARRYS P.O.V. (next day)

''I like you, i was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?'' my friend, Louis, shook his head, ''No no no nooooo, Haz you're doing it completely WRONG'' He stood up and walked over to the mirror i had in my room. ''Dear, whateveryournameis, would you like to go on a date, with me?'' he said to his reflection. He stept a bit to the left and answerd his own question:''Oh my... idunno what to saaaaaay, i'm soo girlish en you're so boyish...'' he shook his ass and walked over to me. ''THAT'S HOW YOU ASK A GIRL OUT, I DON'T CARE ABOUT THE ANSWER NOW GO AND PUT YOUR BEST CLOTHES ON AND WE WILL GO TO PRACTICE THEN!'' he commanded me. I did as he said, or yelled. 

I came out with a white t-shirt, with a v-neck, some black jeans and a pair of grey shoes. ''Hmmm.... casual!'' Louis complemtend me. ''Thanks'' i smiled. ''NO TIME TO BE NICE, NOW, HOW DO YOU GOING TO ASK RAIN OUT?!'' I cought and started: ''Will you go on a date with me?'' as i spoke Louis shook his head. ''WRONG WRONG WROOOOOONG OHH MYY... '' he walked out of the room and bounced on a door. I went after him and saw it was Zayns door. ''HELP ME ZAYN, HARRY DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO ASK RAIN OUT AND I TRIED BUT HE DOESN'T GET IT HELP HIM!!'' Louis yelled in his face. I saw a smile on Zayns face and he walked over to my room. ''Well get ready for some real flirt-tips'' 

''Would you like to go on a date with me?'' i said to Louis as i gave him a rose. ''OOOOH MYYYY GOOOOOOWSH HARREEEEEH..'' he was cut off by Zayn: ''EXACTLY THATS IT STYLES YOU GOT IT!'' Louis turned to Zayn and snapped his fingers into a Z form. ''NAAAA-AAA YOU DIDN'T CUT ME OOOFFF , I SWEAR TO GOD IF YOU EVER DO THAT AGAIN...'' ''Guys i'm going to Rain!'' I cut Louis off and walked out of the room. ''HAROLD EDWARD STYLES YOU DIRTY BASTARD...'' i heard Louis yell. All i could think of was Rain, pffff i was nervous though..

I waited on the roof of the bakery. I asked my boss if he could give Rain the note i wrote. I hope she will come. And she will go on a date with me. She's beautiful, like an... an....an Angel...an angel that has never fall in love and they just took her life. Like she just turned into an Angel..My thoughts were cut off by the footsteps on the stairs. I stood up from my seet and waited for the person that came to the roof. The door swung open and i saw some pair of red all-stars...


I walked into the bakery and looked over to the cupcakes. Ofcourse i hoped Harry would come out and help me with the cupcakes. But instead of Harry, an not too old man came out, he smiled.''You must be Rain?'' he asked with a sweet oldman voice. ''Uhm yes sir, i am.'' i shyly answerd him. ''Well you can walk straight to the roof.'' He gave me a note:

Dear Rain,     

i really want you to come to the roof, i'll be waiting there with a suprise!


I chuckled and the man lead me to the stairs that led me to the roof. I slowly walked them and read the note over and over until i came to a point where i could go left, or right. I saw a picture of a boy holding a rose to the left. I took the picture and went left. I came to a door with another note:


I laughed and took the note. I wanted to open the door but it was locked. I looked around and saw a heart pillow with a key on it. I picked both up and unlocked the door. As i stepped on the roof i saw Harry. Harry and a cute cupcake-picknick behind him. I was shocked at first but happy when i realised he did it all for me.. 

I walked over to Harry. ''Oh my.. Harry this is soo beautiful!'' ''Thank you, go sit down and enjoy a cupcake!'' He winked at me. I sat down and put all the stuff next to me. He got us some drinks and settled himself beside me. He picked the cupcakes up and gave me a cupcake with a red heart on it. On the inside of the heart it readed: Angel. 

*2 hours later,*

''Well, uhm , the actually reason i asked you here, was uuhm,.'' i looked at him with a little smile on my face, a bit of the great night and a bit because i was a little nervous. ''Well uhm..'' He breathed in and out. ''Would you like to go on a date with me...?'' 


I took a deep breath and spoke the words. ''Would you like to go on a date with me?'' I slowly looked her in the eyes and saw a little sparkle. ''Harry..., I would love too!!!'' she said. Did i just... i am... she just said yes... I felt a pair of arms around my neck and i hugged the body back. 

After changing number and talking about the date, we cleared the roof. We were both smiling as idiots but it was alright... It was now about 3 pm. A bit late, but it was tottally worth it! We talked for a while and went to the inside of the bakery. I put all the stuff back and turned around. I saw Rain infront of a mirror on the wall. She struggled to put the rose in her hair. I walked over to her and helped her. She smiled and hugged me. She smells so sweet... she feels so light... like an angel...

I walked Rain to her hotel and we said goodbye. I walked back to the house the boys and i shared. I opend the front door and heard Niall scream: ''THERE IS OUR FLIRTMASTER''  i walked to the living room and saw 5 pair of eyes staring at me. ''AND WHAT DID SHE SAY'' Louis screamed. ''Let the boy change his clothes and later we will here the details'' Liam said. I did as he said and came back in the living room. I told them everything. ''HARRY HAS A GIRLYFRIENDY'' Louis and Niall sung. Oh lord...


I was still overwhelmed by tonight. It was just perfect! And de date... I smiled as i changend into my PJ's and brushed my teeth. I heard a light knock on my door. I had to be quiet because the girls were asleep. I opend the door to find Justin standing there with wide eyes, not even a single sleepy something in him. He walked in and laid down on my bed. I laid beside him and we talked. 

I was finishing my story about tonight when i heard him whisper. ''You're not going on a date with him!'' ''What the... you don't tell me what to do!'' ''Ray, you barely know him!'' ''Same for you! And i learned to know him tonight! Why do you even care, you have no right to say something about my date!'' ''YES YES I DO HAVE THE RIGHT TO SAY THINGS ABOUT YOUR DAMN DATE!'' he was screaming right now. The girls woke up in confusion. ''I FUCKING DON'T WANT HIM AROUND YOU,  RAY.'' ''STOP SCREAMING, YOU'RE ACTING STUPID.'' ''FINE, go on your fucking stupid date, but don't come to me if your heart is broken..'' With those words he left. I felt tears come up. Sam and Sarah crowld next to me and we all fell asleep in my bed, well they fell asleep.. You can't just fall asleep after the best and worst night of your life...

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