16. New York City {part 2}

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''Who was that?'' i asked as my aunt walked in, staright to the computer. ''Nooo oooone, noo oneee , nooo oohooohoo'' she sang. I laughed and flicked through the tv channels. I opened up the news.       ''A jong lady, around 18 years old, escaped the London hospital. The police is-'' I zapped away before my aunt catched something. I stopped at Comedy Central and watche Family Guy. I played with my wet hair. When i told my aunt the story she put on new bandage around my legg and helped me shower. She gave me some comfertable clothes and got me an hamburger. She was really sweet, even if i said she didn't have to do all of these things, she did it. She stood up and walked away with her phone and some papers. 

I stood up as i tried to walk tot he car. We were going to get some dinner. She came in and shook her head. ''What..?'' i asked. ''You can't walk, don't you see that!'' she quickly walked away and came back with a wheelchair. ''I can walk i don't need that.'' she didn't listen en pulled me in the wheelchair as she walked out pushing me. ''Aunt Crissy i really don't ne-'' ''NO COMMENT'' she screamed happyly. I laughed and she helped me getting in the car. We drove of to an chinese restaurant. 


I printed the tickets out Crissy send me and grabbed my bag. I waited in the loby for the boys to come. I saw Ryan running over to me. ''WE'RE GOING TO NEW YORK BABEEEH'' he yelled. ''Yeah, i hope Rain is there..'' ''Of course she is, why would her aunt invite us over there?'' i nodded in agreement and saw Fredo and Chaz coming out the elevator. ''Where is Za?'' Fredo asked. I shrugged. ''If he's late again i swear to god i-'' Fredo was cut off. ''What would you do Fredsss!?'' Za asked with a evil smirk on his face. ''No need to explane, let's go!'' I said and we walked to my car to pick up Harry. 

We sat down at out seats while other people entered the plane. I turned around to see Harry, Ryan and Chaz looking at Ryans phone and laughing. Good to see Harry smile again, i thought. I looked at my right and saw Za texting some one and Fredo trying to put his bag above him. ''Look what Twist says'' Za showed me his phone and i readed the text messages. ''He's in New York!?'' I finally spoke. ''Yess, he said whe could stay in his hotel.'' i nodded as Za told the other boys. I looked out of the window and felt the plane going up.

*the plane has landed and the boys went to go get their baggs*

I waited for my bag to come. Fredo, Chaz and Ryan already had their bags. I saw Harry grabbing his bag. Za run over to a bag and got it. ''I GOT YOUR BAG BRO'' he yelled at me. I walked over to him and he handed my bag. ''Thanks'' We both looked for his bag and when we got it we walked out of the airport. ''Mmmm fresh new york air.'' Za said. I chuckled. ''What are we going to do now..'' Chaz asked. ''Well, i texted Crissy we were landed and she said we could get a cab and go to her house, she would be waiting outside.'' Fredo hold a cab and we all got in. ''You did that really fast, man'' Za said to Fredo. I gave the man the adress and we drove off.

''Here you go.'' Crissy said as she paid the man. ''You shouldn't have done that.'' i said. ''I should, this is my city, so i pay for everything, understood.'' she looked at us and we all nodded. ''Come in, come in'' We walked in and looked around us. ''Whoooa... you live here alone..?'' Za asked. Crissy nodded with a big smile. ''This house is my princesssss so be careful'' she joked. ''Is Rain here?'' Harry suddenly asked. ''You must be Harry, then.'' they shook hands. ''I dropped Rain in my friends house, so you guys could just settle down here in your rooms. She will come back at 10.'' she told us. ''Settle down?'' Fredo asked. ''Yeah i have 8 more rooms and you guys are with 6, so it fits easy.'' ''Well uhm, Twist said we could stay in the hotel he's staying..'' Za said. ''NOOOOOO WAAAAY, I WON'T LET THAT HAPPEN, YOU GUYS ARE STAYING HERE OR I'LL KILL YOU...i'll kill you softly with my knife...'' we looked at eachother a bit scared. We knew she was joking abound killing us, though. ''Come i let you guys see settle down in your rooms.'' we followed her.

''So where is Rain, which friend?'' i asked ad i drank my coffee. ''Amanda'' she answered. ''Crazy Amanda...'' i asked. She nodded with a smirk. ''Bad memories, Juju?'' ''Hell yes..'' ''What happened'' Harry asked. I smiled and started telling him the story. ''Rain had a family BBQ, and she took me with her,i was the 'family friend', Amanda was there too. When we were eating she pushed a hamburger in my mouth, a whole hamburger.. i spit it out all over Rain..'' the boys laughed. ''Dude, that's not how you flirt with some one..'' Za said. We heared a car drive up infront of the house. ''there's the beautiful Rain..'' Crissy said. She stood up and walked to the door. ''WHERE IS MY BABY'' i heared Amanda yell. I heared footsteps coming to the living room. ''JUJUUUUUU'' she screamed. My eyes widened as she came closer and hugged me like she didn't touched me in 50 years. ''Juju...'' i heared Rains voice. ''Come in, babe, you have some guests.'' Crissy told her. Amanda let go of me and met with the other boys. Rain slowly came in and looked in the room. She stopped at Harry...

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