11. Boyfriend meets Mommy

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I walked over to Rains mom. ''Hello Mrs. Sky..'' i greeted her. ''Justin!!! I thought you would never come!! How are you doing? What happend? I heared Rain was in hospital and i-'' ''It's okay, mrs. Sky.'' i cut her off. ''She is in the hospital but she is awake..'' she sighed. I opened my door and let her in. ''i would love to tell you more, but could i have a shower first..?'' ''Ooh yes!! Do your thing, i'll wait right here!!'' I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower. As i brushed my teeth i heared Rains mom tap her foot to the ground. I got out of the bathroom and sat down on a chair. ''Well..'' i started.

''I told her i love her, but i had to go because the doctor came in for some quick tests...'' i finished my story. Rains mom had an shock expression on her face. ''I-- i need to go to her!! She needs me!!!'' she said. I nodded and let her to my car. We drove off to the hospital.


I woke up and felt a weight on my bed. I turned over and saw Harry sitting there with a cup of tea. ''Good evening, beautiful'' he smiled. I sat straight and hugged him. He gave me a cup of tea and i drank it. ''mmm, hot and sweet'' i smiled. '''Well, a cup of hot and sweet tea for a hot and sweet girl..'' he said. I chuckled and drank my tea. There was an peaceful silence. Until the silence broke by the door that opened. My eyes widened as i saw Justin and my mother walking in..

''MOM!?'' ''Sweetheart..'' She ran over to me and hugged me tight. ''What are you doing here??'' ''What do you think i'm doing here! I'm here for my baby girl..'' I smiled and hugged her. I saw her looking at Harry to Justin and back at me. Justin looked down at his feet. ''Mom, meet Harry, Harry this is my mother.'' I smiled as i said the words. ''Great to meet you, Mrs. Sky!!'' Harry said as he shook her hand. My mom just smiled and looked at Justin, who was standing behind her. ''Why don't we let the ladies alone?'' Harry spoke to Justin, Justin nodded and they both leaved. ''Is that your boyfriend..'' My mom asked in disbelieve. ''Yeah, he is so sweet and cute, isn't he.'' ''You know, that Justin, loves you right..'' she slowly said. 

''Mom i don't want to talk about this, if you came here for this, you can leave..'' I snapped. ''I love Harry, i love Justin too but not as he loves me. Harry is my boyfriend and it will stay like that for a long time...'' Mom sighed and nodded in agreement. She looked around and got us two some coffee. We drank it in silence until the doctor came in. ''Mrs. Sky, i heared you are here, i want to talk to you, if that's possible.'' He said to my mom. My mom stood up and walked away with the doctor. 

Justin came in and looked over his shoulder to Harry, who nodded. He sat beside me and sighed. ''How are you feeling?'' ''Better..'' He looked at his hands and played with his ring. He looked over to the bagg with my clothes in it. ''Who brought you that?'' he asked. ''Harry..'' He played with his ring again. I put my coffee down at the table next to my bed and leaned over to his ring. I grabbed it and sat on it. ''Don't play with things.. Just talk'' I said. He took a deep breath. ''I'm sorry, you don't have to choose between me and Harry, i know you love him. You two are ment to be, i just want to be best friends again..'' I smiled at him. ''I'm glad you're saying that. And yes, we are still best friends, the two crazy Candys, like our mothers called us.'' He chuckled. ''Can i have my ring back?'' ''hmm, it's pretty, i rather keep it'' ''NO, i mean, it's my ring..'' he took a puppy face, he always do that if he wants something. I gave him back his ring. We hugged, i looked trough the window into the hallway. I saw my mom talk to Harry, Harry had a worried and sad look on his face. ''Justin, could you open the door please, slowly.'' Justin seemed to understand me and opened the door, i heard my mom talk to Harry, i couldn't believe my ears. ''I think Rain is happier, you know, without a boyfriend..''

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