1. Start of the school trip

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''WAKE UP YOU LAZY DOG!!'' my friend yelled at me. I slowely opened my eyes and saw my best friend, Justin, standing next to my bed. ''Urgggh, i don't want to go!! Let me just sleep here..'' I said to him. He ignored it and walked over to my bags. ''Is this everything? Just one bag? For 2 weeks? Are you sure? Let me look..'' Justin packed my bag out and I just got my clothes for the day and went to the bathroom.

*half hour later*

I went back to my room and I saw my bag, totally re-packed. ''What did you do?!'' I asked Justin. ''Just added some things'' he answerd. I laughed and we went downstairs. Justin grabbed my bag and put it in his car. He opend the door for me and I sat down in his car. He ran to the driversseat and started the car, we drove off to school, the horrible start of the school trip...

''OKAY GIRLS, YOUR BAG IS GOING IN THAT CAR, AND BOYS YOUR BAGS IN THAT CAR'' the teacher yelled. I swung my bag in the car and walked over to my bus. I started talking to my other best friend (Sarah), she kept talking about how awesome it is to go on a school trip for 2 weeks. When we waited for the bus to open the doors, I felt 2 strong arms around me. I knew it was Justin, ''Hey, this is not your bus Juju..'' I said to the pair of hands I saw. ''I know, just wanted to make sure you were getting save in your own bus!'' he answerd. Aawh he is a really good friend. I heard the bus open and said goodbye to Justin. ''See you about 5 hours, Juju.'' I said. Justin ran to his bus and got in. Sarah and I stepped inside the bus and we had to say our names to the teacher. ''Rain Sky'' I told him. ''Sky..aha, Miss. Sky! Go sit down honey!'' He said. (he is not a perv or something, just a happy homosexual!) I sat down next to Sarah and she began to talk again, damn she can talk for ever!

*2 hours later (3 hours to go)*

I looked down at my phone when i felt it buzz. I got a text from Justin. It read:

Don't wait for me, got in some trouble in the bus, have to clean up! Go have fun with Sarah ;) I'll see you tonight!                                                                                                                                               -Justin

I chuckled and looked at Sarah. She was asleep. Haha, how cute! I stepped beside her and went to the front of the bus. I faced Samantha and she pulled me next to her. ''Justin and Chaz got in trouble! they started a food-fight and have to clean up the bus!'' She told me. I nodded and we talked.

I went back to Sarah and sat down. ''Where were you??'' she asked. ''I was just jogging next to the bus'' I answerd with sarcasm. She laughed and relaxed in het seat. We laughed and talked about girl stuff. Until the bus made a weird sound and stopped. I looked over at the teacher who was talking to the busdriver. Sam ran to us and sat on my lap. ''OMG i'm scared!! I don't want to go survive in the jungle!!'' Sam made panic and Sarah sushed her down. I walked to the teacher and asked what was wrong. He told me it was something with the motor and if I could warn someone from the other bus. I texted Justin and he replied he told the teacher who was with them. 2 minutes later the busdriver was called. I went back to my seat. Some creepy feeling came to me...

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