Part 4

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I unlocked the door of my apartment and the light automatically switched on. It's so exhausting indeed to walked around with a guy whom you just know today. Well. We even ate ice cream that when an old aunty mocked us for being a couple. Yeah yeah. I went into the kitchen first and drank some water.

" Have fun dating? "

I dropped my bottle and turned my head quickly to the voice.

" Unnie! " I shouted. It's Sooyeon unnie! She widened her arms asking for a hug and I ran to hug her.
" I missed you so much! How could you go back here after leaving Korea for two months! " I shouted.
" Sorry kid. I missed you too! It's only two months not two years " She laughed.

I released my hug, " How do you know I moved here? " I asked feeling curious.
" Well, vousmevoyez? " She said.
" Aish, Soojung unnie. Now I know why you're here " I weakly said and took my falling bottle and put it back in the refrigerator.
" Good then if you know. " Sooyeon unnie said.
" Let's talk in the living room " I said.

I sit beside Sooyeon unnie and she started to talk.

" I'm not going to force you but you know your own sister right? She's not going to stop unless you agreed to be a singer. Don't mind me. I'm still a singer even if I leave the company. Don't be afraid. Instead, be happy. Tell yourself to be strong enough to face the hates. " She said.
" I- uh. Unnie. Can't you just tell Soojung unnie? That I don't want to? I know all three of us are good at singing. But I don't- I mean, I'm not ready! I'm too young. I need some freedom before those thing happened. I also took part in arts because I'm crazy over art. " I crossed my arms.
" Okay okay. I understand you, " She caressed my hair.
" But unnie " I look at her.
" Why? " She asked.
" What if I am casted by other company? Like YG, JYP or any? Are you going to mad? " I asked.
" Well, why should I be mad? Just go with the company you liked the most. Audition or cast is not a thing. You're talented. I'm sure they will accept you " She smiled.
" I see " I smiled back.

We were chatting for awhile, about my university, what I'm going to do after finishes my university and else.

" Hana-ya, I'm going home now. " Sooyeon unnie said and standing up.
" What? You're not gonna spending the night here? " I asked.
" Too bad no " She replied.
" You're staying at mom? Or? " I asked again, feeling sad.
" Hotel " She smiled. " Oh yeah, I bought some desserts earlier I put them in your refrigerator "
" I see, thank you, bye unnie. See you again! " I hugged her and we waved each other.

After locking the door, I entered my bedroom and throw my body on my bed. After a minute, my phone rang. Lazily, I grabbed my bag with my foot and throw it beside me. I took out my phone, the caller ID name was Kim Hanbin.

" Oh? " I said and slided the screen to answer the call.

- Phone conversation -
Hana : Hello?
Hanbin : Hello, Hana-sshi
Hana : Ya, didn't we promise already to use informal language? Since we're in the same age.
Hanbin : Why? What's with my greeting?
Hana : It feels like I'm talking with a lawyer or something
Hanbin : *laughed* Well. Hana-ya~
Hana : What's up?
Hanbin : Are you home safely?
Hana : Yes. I even met my sister. She thought we're dating

OMG! What the hell I'm telling?

Hana : *coughed*
Hanbin : *laughed* well I guess we really look like it.
Hana : I know right *laughed awkwardly*
Hanbin : Are you awkward?
Hana : Well, yes?
Hanbin : Don't be. *laughed* we're fine. We're friends.
Hana : Yeah. It's because you're the first guy ever bravely come closer with me
Hanbin : Then I feel so lucky! Why? You're pretty though
Hana : It's not about pretty thingy
Hanbin : Well, they probably have courage to say hello to you but your serious image kills their courage. Why not you say hello to them?
Hana : I gained the serious looking from my second older sister. She's freaking serious faced.
Hanbin : I see *laughed*
Hana : Why are you laughing?
Hanbin : I just feel like it?
Hana : Everything seems funny for you
Hanbin : Kind of *laughed again*
Hana : Stop laughing *laughed*
Hanbin : You laughed too
Hana : Because of your cute laughing


Hanbin : Because of my cute laughing? I must be that cute in your eyes
Hana : Cheesy lines, please
Hanbin : *laughed* oh anyway, do you have class tomorrow?
Hana : Nope. Are you asking me out again? I mean hang out?
Hanbin : A date *laughed*
Hana : Eww. Seriously?
Hanbin : So free tomorrow?
Hana : Sure, send the text later
Hanbin : I don't know where yet. Can you guess?
Hana : Hmm. I don't know yet. Let's talk about it tomorrow?
Hanbin : Sure then. Are you tired?
Hana : A little
Hanbin : Have a rest then.
Hana : You too
Hanbin : It's getting late. Go sleep now.
Hana : Okay then. Good night Hanbin-ah
Hanbin : Goodnight Hana!

Like that our phone call ended. Well, how amazing we get close after one meeting.

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