Part 8

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After I finished my shower, I wore my bathrobe. I searched for any outfit I could wear that morning. Suddenly I heard the door of my bedroom opened. I turned back, it's Hanbin. Thank god I'm wearing my bathrobe right now.

" What are you doing huh? Get out. I'll wear my clothes " I said without looking at him.
" Wear something pretty today " He said.
" What? Why would I? " I asked.

Suddenly I felt a power that turned my body around facing his face that are inches away from mine. I stared into his eyes without blinking. He pulled me nearer to his face. Our body is freaking sticked right now. I gulped.

" Wear prettily. We'll go somewhere today. Don't ask. " He said. I gulped.
" O-okay " I replied immediately and he let go of my body. I don't know I felt so freaking breathless after that. I saw he was entering the bathroom. I quickly changed.

I wore plain white short sleeve shirt, a navy blue high waisted jeans and my black long cardigan. I also wear my wishbone necklace and a cartier bangle on my right hand. I combed my curly hair and left it untied. I applied some light makeup on my face.

Suddenly Hanbin came out from the bathroom. I widened my mouth and it formed into 'O' shape. He's half naked! Oh my apple! Save me! I closed my eyes hurriedly.

" Ya! Kim Hanbin! What are you doing! " I shouted as I turned my back to him.
" Ya! It's nothing with me. Change your pants now. " He said as I felt his existence near behind me.
" What's wrong with high waisted jeans? It's pretty! " I replied.
" Change it yourself or I'll change them for you " He said.
I bit my lip, " Are you shirtless? " I asked.
" Nope. " He replied and as I turned around, he's shirtless oh my gosh!

" Kim Hanbin! You! Really! Gosh I hate you! " I shouted.
" Why? " He asked.
" You said I have to change my pants. So if you want me to, then take the navy blue ripped skinny jeans in the wardrobe. " I said.
" Here " He said handing me the jeans.

I ran to the bathroom and changed my jeans. He is surely troubling me. I also have to change my jeans. For God sake.

" Looks better " He complimented after I got out from the bathroom and luckily he's covered in clothes. He wore his clothes yesterday.

" Let's go " He said.
" Huh? N-now? It's still early " I weakly replied.
" Yes now. " He leaned his face towards me again. What a man. Again? Seriously. After a peck on my cheek?
" O-okay " I stuttured. Damn I shouldn't! I took my carlorino sling bag.

I choose to wear my nude brown wedged sandal with small designing crystal stones on the rope.

After locking the door, he clasped our hands together.

" W-what? Why are you? " I asked.
" It will be crowded later. " He replied.

I look at him, he's wearing lastnight's outfit, is he going to buy new clothes or what? However I'm still nervous since we're clasping hands. Like gosh. He's not my boyfriend. I'm going to die if my sisters saw me. Or I'm going to die if his fans noticed him.

We went to a clothing store, as expected.

" Find for me a pretty and cool yet standing out shirt. " He said to me.
" M-me? " I pointed to myself.
" Who else? " He raised his eyebrows.
" Why? " I asked.

Again, leaning closer to someone's face may be his habit for apple's sake.

" I don't like buying new shirt and I want you to choose it for me. " He mumbled.
" Okay " I replied feeling annoyed.

I started to find the shirt that he wanted. Why can't find by himself? For sure he likes outfit that stand out. His taste for clothes are quite same as mine but his is too stand out.

I took a short sleeve black shirt. It has 'Moschino' name typed on the front and back of the shirt. It seems pretty so I brought it to him, " No. "

" What? This is pretty " I said showing him the clothes.
" I said no " He looked somewhere else.
" This jerk " I mumbled to myself.

After almost 1 hour spending on just one shirt, we finally finished.

' I want the most expensive shirt. ' I still remember what he said earlier. I thought he's gonna pay for the shirt himself. Like what the hell, he told me to pay for it since I'm the one who choose that. Damn me. I choose the expensive one. If only I know. Luckily I brought my credit card.

" Do you even bring money? " I asked.
" And what if I don't? " He asked back.
I sighed, " Save me "

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