Part 69

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Jung Hana POV

I was in the middle of doing my works and someone called me. I took my phone and it was Grandma. So I answered it.

[Phone Conversation]
H - Hello Grandma
G - Hello Hana. So how is your work there? Going alright?
H - All fine, Grandma. Why did you call? Is there anything?
G - Aren't I am the one who should be asking you that? Do you need anything?
H - No, I don't need anything. I got everything already.
G - Alright. So, when will you come back?
H - Next week is my final week. So, I'll take the earliest flight on Saturday next week. Don't worry, I'll go straight to Busan.
G - Good girl. You know how convince me.
H - Whose granddaughter? *laughs*
G - Mine. Happy working. What time is it there?
H - Its 8 in the morning
G - Wow, its night here. I'll go to sleep now
H - Okay Grandma. See you next week.

We both hang up and I continue with my works.

While I was walking with David, my phone rang, damn why does they keep on calling me? This time its Soojung. I slided to answer.

[Phone conversation]
H - Yes, sister?
S - Hey, sorry for calling late, no. I mean here, late. Morning, there.
H - Carry on
S - I don't think you should know this..
H - Why? What?
S - Uh, I'm going to get engaged with Jong In.
H - What? So? What does that have to do with me?
S - Well, yea, just for you to know
H - Alright bye
S - What the? Hey! Jung Hana!

Jung Soojung POV

Hana just hang up on me and I am freaking pissed by her. Like the heck she doing?! I rolled my eyes and suddenly someone pulled my hair. That makes me more way pissed. I turned to my back and saw Jong In with his cup of espresso.

" You! Why?! " I asked harshly. Honestly I was in that mood to kick his ass.

*sorry Kaistal Moment here*

Jung Hana POV

So I went back to South Korea. Not saying I am going back alone, ofcourse, David is following. He got exit day for 1 week and thats a good one because he wanna feel how Koreans live lol.

" Can you find a hotel for me? I'm afraid if your family are going to be awkward with me, " David said.

" Okay, " I nodded, " But first, we need to take another train. Cause my grandma is staying in Busan, "

David nodded.

After 4 hours being inside a train, finally we have arrived. We took taxi to my Grandma's mansion.

As we arrived, I rang the bell beside the gate and the maid come to open the door.

" Oh Lord! Miss Jung! " Said the maid and I smiled.

She called over other maids to bring our luggages up.

" Where is Grandma? " I asked.

" She is in the living room, "

David and I went to the living room.

" Grandma! I am home! " I run to hug her from behind.

" Oh! Hana! " Grandma said and turned her body facing me. We hugged each other like for 5 minutes lol. We miss each other so much!

The hug stopped as soon as David greeted.

" Who is this? " Grandma asked.

" Oh, my friend from New York, " I replied but Grandma's reaction are so scary. Its like she was mad something like that. She looks away and told that she needs to read in her library.

" Oh, sorry David. She is always like that when she meets new people. Sit here, I'll find you a hotel later, okay? " I said and walked to catch up Grandma.

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