Part 11

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Kim Hanbin POV

I laid down on the bed and my phone rang. It's manager hyung!

- Phone conversation -
Hanbin : Hello hyung
Manager : Hello Hanbin-ah. So where are you? I'm going to fetch you up
Hanbin : Uh, I'll send the address since I don't know either
Manager : You don't know where you're staying?
Hanbin : I know. It's my friend's house so I don't know the particular address
Manager : Okay then. Send me the address now. You have a comeback next month so tomorrow is practice day.
Hanbin : Sure hyung. Call me when you're arrive
Manager : Okay

I hang up. So sad. That I have to leave her. My girlfriend. I'll make you feel like you are my girlfriend. A real one. Wait for it. I'm not going to let you cry in other guy's arms.

I looked at the map in my phone and send my location to manager hyung. I took my belonging and went out of the room. I looked at Hana who was in the kitchen, making a cup of coffee for me since I told her so. I looked at her back. She's indeed so pretty. I walked closer to her back and backhugged her.

" W-what are you doing? " She asked.
" Hugging you " I replied quietly.

I swung her body from right to the left, " I have schedule tomorrow. So, you gotta explain something to me after my schedule finished tomorrow okay? I'll come to your house. Don't run away because you know I can wanted you. " I said but she didn't reply.

I tightened my arms and she seemed startled by that. It's cute though.

" You hear me right? Good night. See me in your dreams " I mumbled in her ears. Lol. I think she's nervous (?) her breathing though.
" Y-yes " She replied.

I turned her body around to face me and suddenly my phone rang. It's a miscalled from manager hyung. He must be here already.

I pecked a kiss on her lips, " Gotta go. Bye "

As I leave her apartment, I remembered all the things we've done. I will meet her again for sure. She's my girlfriend. I don't care if she accept or no but she is still mine.

Manager hyung took me back to my dorm. As I opened the door, all the members looked at me.

" Hyung where are you from? "
" Ya Kim Hanbin, where did you sleep lastnight? "
" Lol I don't know why I feel empitiness yesterday "
" Hyungggggg! "
" So hyung, you gotta explain why you didn't reply my message lastnight. "
" It hurts that I thought we're missing you "

I sighed at all of them and at the same time I feel happy that all of them respect me as their leader even I'm not the oldest member either.

" I'm staying at my cat's home last night " I chuckled when I said that. 'My cat'.
" Your cat? You have cat? " Bobby whom I usually called by his real name, Jiwon hyung asked.
" Yeah. My pretty cat. My girlfriend " I replied.
" You're kind weird Kim Hanbin " Jinhwan hyung said.
" Really? I guess it's because of my cat " I said. " I'll take my shower and sleep okay? " I smiled.

After taking my shower, I wore my sleeping attires. Shorts and a tshirt. I throw myself on my bed, feeling tired. I was waiting for her text though. Like 'Are you home safely?' 'Goodnight' 'sleep well' and else. But it seems like she won't text me cheesily like that.

So I typed, 'I miss you'. Luckily I haven't send it yet since she texted me first.

From : Jung Hana
Are you home already?

To : Jung Hana
Yeah. Safely. With your prays.

From : Jung Hana
I didn't pray for you though.

I giggled at her text. She's so straightforward and funny.

To : Jung Hana
I missed you

From : Jung Hana
Yeah yeah

To : Jung Hana
You didn't missed me?

From : Jung Hana
Should I? Then okay I miss you but I'm going to sleep now. I have morning class tomorrow.

To : Jung Hana
You should and thank you. That's why I liked you. Good luck with morning class. I'm having my practice early in the morning. Goodnight my Hana.

I was hoping for her to reply but yeah. Jung Hana. I know she wouldn't. She'll ignore after reading this. She hates cheesy texts and cheesy saying. I looked at her contact name, it's too formal so I changed it into 'Future wife'. Cheesy but I'm not kidding. So yeah.

Suddenly Jiwon hyung entered my room. Well. It's specifically my own room. I share it with Jiwon hyung too.

" What are you smiling about? " Jiwon hyung asked.
" Huh? Nothing " I replied, still with my smile.

He took his towel, probably taking his shower. After that, I fell asleep.

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