Part 20

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Kim Hanbin POV

I was done with my practice and looked into my phone. Hana didn't call me yet so I decided to call her first. But no answer. I called her number again, still, no answer. I was getting worried as heck, that I continously dialled her number. I wonder if she's okay or nah. I don't know how much has I leave calls at her numbers. I was in panic. I went to her apartment but it's empty. Now I'm worrying so much like a freak, walking here to there, fowards and backwards, sitting and standing.

Where's this kid for God's sake?!

I called her number again, again and again. I'm worried if she's lost or what. While I was about to call her number again, the caller ID with Hana's name typed, I quickly answered it.

Luckily she sound okay but I think my voice are too stern for her. She might wonder what happen. She might think I'm mad. But yes. I'm mad. I don't want to lose her.

After waiting for over 15 minutes, I heard the sound of the door was being unlocked. She's here. I ran out of the living room. Without saying anything, I hugged her tightly. No sense to let go.

" H-hanbin-ah. W-why? What's wrong? " She asked. It's you. What's wrong with you that you didn't answer my call?

I didn't reply to her question and continue to hug her tight.

" Don't go anywhere without my knowing " I mumbled into her ears.

" But I did told you this morning, when we go out " She replied.

" Keep me with updates of yours " I said and she nodded. I released my hugs.

" Sorry for making you worried " She said.

" It's okay. Don't do it again. " I smiled and ruffled her hair.

" Have you eaten yet? " I asked and she shook her head.

" Then, let's eat. I bought pizza earlier but it probably turn cold already. " I said.

" It's easy. I'll re-heat it. " She grinned cutely.

So weird. She knows I'm not her boyfriend, but she still acts as if I am. I wanted to confess but its not the time.

After done eating the pizza, I went back home. I remembered that we'll have iKON concert next week. I dialled my manager hyung's number.

- Phone conversation -
Manager : Hello?
Hanbin : Hello, hyung~
Manager : Yes, Hanbin, why?
Hanbin : Can you get me the VVIP ticket for our concert next week?
Manager : Well, sure I can, but, I'm not sure if the VVIP tickets are still there.
Hanbin : Please hyung, I'll pay for whatever price it is.
Manager : Okay okay. I'll give you tomorrow I get it.
Hanbin : Thanks hyung
Manager : Sure

I hang up in excitement, Bobby came in, looking weird of me.

" What's wrong with you? " He asked.

" Nothing, I'm just happy " I grinned.

" Aaaah~ I'm so excited for our concert! " Jinhwan hyung came into our room and lay on his bed.

" Me too~ " I smiled to myself.

" Damn, Hanbin, what's wrong with you? " Jinhwan hyung asked.

" Right hyung? I also asked him that earlier. He's acting weird. " Bobby said.

" Aish, nothing. I'm just happy " I replied with a smile that I think seems creepy to them lol.

I went to the kitchen to drink something. There's Yunhyeong drinking water, then I saw the same coffee packets like what Hana did for me, I smiled and open the packet, to make coffee.

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