Part 76

87 3 2

Kim Hanbin POV

Two weeks has passed, Hana and I have been closer again.

In that two weeks, we spend almost every hour after my working time ended. And, my love for her starting to grow deeper again.

I swear I will not gonna leave her. If I am to take her to Japan, I will. I will pay for the ticket, meals and everything. I don't want to be far away from her.

Jung Hana POV

" Hanbin? Hanbin? " I called out his name.

What on earth he is thinking about?

I flinched his arms and he was startled.

" Its painful! " He shouted.

" And you ignoring me talking is more way painful-er " I rolled my eyes

" Oh you talked. I'm sorry! But, Hana can I ask something? "

" What? No no. Don't ask me anything. I'm not in a good mood, " I said because I am way too pissed off by he ignores me.

" Jung Hana, I am serious "


" A-ah really? Great, now ask me, "

" Will you marry me? " He asked

" What?! Hahahaha! Are you joking me? Oh my lord! Stop making this kind of jokes. Oh my god. My tears " I laughed hard

I swept my tears away and looked back at Hanbin. And. Gulped. He looks deadass serious. Is he being really serious about that? I-I am not ready

" Ya, you are serious about it? " I asked again

" If you think this is a joke, well it's not, " He replied with his cold expression.


" H-Hanbin, look, I know we are growing closer again. But isn't it too much? Asking if I will marry you or not now? Like, hey I need some time to think too but so far I haven't, no, I never think to that stage yet. I am really sorry if you are pissed by this but, give me some more time. It's not like I didn't trust you but, I am a woman. I need to think deeply, " I explained.

He sighed, " I know this will be your answer. But so far that I know, I am going to marry you despite whatever situation it would be. If the fans are going to turn to my haters for me marrying someone I love, I will leave my job, "

Like that, I would look like a taker. People would see me as a person who stopped iKON. A person who take B.I the leader of iKON from them.

" No, you shouldn't leave your job. So many other idols are still being idols or celebrities even though they are married. It is understandable, " I said.

" But the situation, would never be the same anymore, "

Ofcourse it would never.

" Let's move on to next topic. So I got a job accepted under Beauty Specialist Company! " I jumped and clapped like a seal.

" What?! Wow, who would want to reject this talented girl? Ofcourse they accept you! " He smiled widely.

" So, treat me, " He coughed

" What? I haven't received my salary though? "

" Doesn't mean you don't have money, " He smirked

" Ugh fine. Order what you want, it's on me, "

" I was joking " He laughed

" Come on, I was joking too, " I said and then both of us laughed together even though its not really funny.

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