Part 19

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It has been 6 months since we met. Hanbin and I are comfortable with each other. He often visits my apartment with either Jiwon, Jinhwan, Mino or other members without getting caught by fans.


I was organizing my wardrobe after washing my clothes. It was a calm morning. After done, I rest myself sitting on the sofa. So tired. Doing house chores nonstop since I woke up. I haven't shower yet. I heard the door was being unlocked, I opened my eyes a little. It's Hanbin.

" Hey " He said and put a plastic full of something in the kitchen.

" What's that? " I asked lazily.

" Groceries. Your groceries are about to finish. So I bought it for you " He replied and took out the groceries one by one to put it in its place.

" It's okay. I can do that later. " I said and walked to the kitchen.

" You haven't shower yet? " He suddenly asked the obvious question.

I shook my head and he ruffled my hair, " Ya! " I shouted.

" Go shower. " He said.

" I'm tired " I sighed and walked to the living room back.

" What are you doing till you're tired huh? " He asked, following me from behind.

" Cleaning " I answered lazily.

" Whatever. Have your shower now or I'll make you shower " His saying that made me jumped out of the sofa.

" Kim Hanbin! " I shouted.

" What? You want me to shower you? " He asked sarcasticly.

" Don't enter my room till I finish " I said and stomped my feet to my room.

Kim Hanbin POV

I chuckled at her cuteness. She hates if I talked about something dirty, what I mean is like kisses and else.

I was watching tv and after awhile, she came out. What comes in my mind was.. She's damn beautiful..

" Where are you going? " I asked.

" Why? I'm going to a club tonight " She replied and I glared at her.

" What? You can go to the club! " She clenched her teeth.

" I rarely go there! Its not good so stay at home " I said.

" I want to drink " She insisted.

" Can't you just drink water instead?! " I started to shout. That I don't know I was raising up my voice. Hana was kind of startled. I quickly apologized.

I changed the topic and asked her where she's going, and she told me she'll have her final examination in 3 days so she have to study hard on her experiments.

" You're going to study with Soyoon? " I asked.

" Who else " She replied. I sighed. She must be really startled and pissed off since I raised my voice sternly.

" I'm going out now " She said as she grabbed her bag and books.

" Ya! " I shouted but she didn't mind me. I ran outside to follow her.

" Jung Hana! Stop there " I shouted again and she stopped.

" What? " She asked coldly.

" Are you mad? " I asked.

" Why should I be mad? " She asked back.

I hugged her, " For raising my voice and acting coldly towards you earlier, sorry. "

But now I think she's more startled because of the hug.

" Study hard kid. Jung Hana can do it! Fighting " I smiled widely to cheer her up.

" Thanks " She chuckled cutely.

Jung Hana POV

" No problem kid. Now, oppa have to work hard for the future so, Hana must work hard too. Okay? " He said and smiled. Damn Kim Hanbin why are you so attractive?

" What's with that? " I made an ugly expression to describe what he said are gross. Well. Actually no.

" Aye this kid! " He pinched my cheeks softly.
" I'll go back to work now, see you later " He said and waved at me.

" Yeah. Work hard. " I replied chicly.

Now he's gone with the black van. To the YG building perhaps. I let out a light sigh and continue walking to the university where I'll be meeting with my lab. Actually there's no Soyoon. She's my bestfriend but we rarely study together.

I put my bag and books on my desk and off to my lab, leaving my things behind. I'm going to practice my experiments.

From 10am to 4pm. I was revising well huh? Right after done, I went back to my class. My phone was ringing. Before I could answer it, it's ended. I looked at the screen.


Crazy Guy (58 missed calls)

I'm going to get kill by him.

I packed my things and run out of the university while my phone busy calling his number. And he answered it. His voice seems so panic.

- Phone conversation -
Hanbin : Jung Hana!
Hana : Yeah? Why did you call so many times?
Hanbin : Where are you now?!
Hana : Huh? I'm about to go home. W-why? What's wrong?
Hanbin : Come home now. Don't go anywhere. Straight to your apartment.

I was kind of startled by that. Since he's shouting plus his voice are so stern. He's mad? But why?

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