Chapter 1- Trainwreck

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Hey guys. This is my Demi Lovato Fanfic! It's on my phone so please excuse any mistakes...

I'm starting book 2 of Until the End at the end of summer sooooooo sorry xD LOVE YOU GUYS 


Chapter 1- Trainwreck

High school isn't all it's cracked up to be. You have lockers in the halls, more people in the halls, and oh. More people to talk about you.

I've been bullied my whole life. High school is just when it started getting bad. I was called fat, so I stopped eating. I was called a whore because I kissed one guy. One. So I started cutting. No one knows about it yet.. Thank god.  

Lunch is really the worst. I have no one to sit with so it's my least favorite part.

"Hey, loser!" I heard the junior cheerleader, Karalee, yell over to me, "Have fun with Gordon last night? I heard he fucked you good." She laughed and went back to her group. As they passed me, some called me a slut and a whore, others threw paper at me. I figured one was bound to have a note written on it.

*if I hear that you slept with my boyfriend again, I'll kill you. Got it? Good. -Bridget*

A tear slipped from my eyes as I realized that I've never had sex with Gordon. I've never kissed him. I kissed Harry. I threw my trash away, including the note, wiped my tears and walked to 4th period.


"So, Romeo and Juliet was written by shakespeare in-" I heard Mrs. Scott trail off. I hardly listen in class anymore.

"Psst........... Pssttt," I figured it was for me since no one answered the first time. I turned around to see a boy that hangs with Gordon, Karalee, and Bridget. He pointed to me, then Gordon and made a heart with his hands.

"Shut up. No, I don't like him!" I said a bit louder than I expected. Luckily, Mrs. Scott didn't hear me.

I look over to see Bridget laughing with Karalee. She sticks her thumb out and takes it across her throat as if she was slitting it. Then, I remember the note. Why do they hate me so much?

I felt something hit the back of my head. Another note. Great.

*maybe you should skip a meal next time. You get fatter every time I see you. -Karalee*

I crinkled up the paper and threw it back at her.

"Asshole..." I whisper under my breath. Unfortunately, Mrs. Scott was right in front of me.

"Miss Baybridge, go to the front office."

I happily got up, and ran out of the classroom, but I didn't go to the office. I ran home.


I got home and ran into my bathroom. I went right for the razor. I didn't think twice about it. I slowly dragged it across my skin, letting the blood drip into the sink. I let my tears mix with it.

I am fat. I am worthless. I believe I'm a whore. I'm ugly, useless, loser.

I kept cutting until I was too weak to do anything. I cleaned up and put the blade back in the cabinet. I pulled down my sleeve and walked out. I went downstairs where my parents were talking in the kitchen.

"Hey Whitney. What are you doing home so early?" my dad asked me.

"I don't feel well," I lied. I grabbed my purse and headed out the front door.

"Wait! Do you want something to eat?" Mom asked. I just shook my head.

"Not hungry." then, left.


It's been the same thing for two weeks. Get bullied, come home, cry, cut, skip dinner, repeat.

I ran up to my bathroom and pulled out my blade and started cutting again:

"Whit, come down here! It's dinner time!" mom yelled for me.

"I'm not hungry..." I cried more. I could hear that she was right outside the door now.

"You haven't been eating as much as you used to. What's going on?" she asked. I didn't answer. I just kept cutting and crying. "Whitney?"

My mom opened the door to see me crying hysterically with blood everywhere.

"Uhh, Jackson! Get up here!" she yelled. I just kept crying. I put the blade on the bathroom counter. Dad soon got upstairs and to the bathroom door. All he did was stare at me, then leave. Mom shortly followed.

I cried for a few more minutes before calming myself down. I ce I regained self composure, I went down stairs to talk to my parents. Which is really scary since they just saw me bleeding and crying.

"I'm very disappointed in you, Whitney. I didn't raise you that way. We raised you to stand up for yourself, not to give in," my dad spoke. My mother stayed silent.

"You have one hour to pack your things." he said. I looked at him with panic in my eyes.

"Daddy?" I whimpered. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"This isn't the girl I know. You're not my daughter. You're going to Miss Mary's Orphange."


I hope you like it c:

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