Chapter 4- Skyscraper

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I hope this chapter doesn't take me as long....



I heard the doorbell ring first thing in the morning. Obviously, it was Troy. Sometimes he makes me want to bang my head on the table. That's how aggravating he is.

"Whit, can you come down here please?" I yelled for her. She came down within 10 seconds.

"Yeah?" She asked. She came next to me and put her hands on her hips.

"Listen. I'm really sorry, but Troy is here and he really wants to meet you. Don't be afraid. He won't hurt you. I promise. Just shake his hand. That's all you have to do. Okay?" I reassured her, so she would hide behind me. She smiled lightly and nodded.

I went over to the door and opened it. Troy was standing there with that same smile he has all the time.

"Hi Troy," I said boredly.

"Hi Demi. May I come in?" He asked. I moved out of the way so he could come in. He walked past me, took off his coat and stood there.

"Well, this is Whitney. She's 15 and she's my new sister." He went to shake hands with her and she cooperated. She sat on the couch, while Troy and I sat in the kitchen, drinking coffee.

"So, you go back on tour tomorrow. The fans in Albuquerque are very excited."

Tour. I completely forgot about tour. Whitney isn't stable to handle the tour yet. No one knows I have her other than Troy. Oh, boy.

"Troy. Look, I honestly don't think Whitney is stable to handle tour," I told him bluntly. He just looked at me like I was crazy.

"Demi... This is your DEMI tour. Fans have been waiting to hear these songs for a very long time. You can't just quit tour!" He was raising his voice and no one likes Troy when he raises his voice.

"Fine. Look. I'll do a twitcam with Whit tonight. To show everyone who she is. We'll go to Albuquerque tomorrow. If Whitney cannot handle it, we don't finish. Deal?" He sat there, really thinking about it. He didn't look like he was sure or unsure about the idea.

"Okay. Deal. Be up at 5 am. We have a flight to catch." He got up and headed for the door Before he left, he turned back around.

"Bye, Whitney. It was nice meeting you." And with that, he left.

I sat down next to Whit and let out a big sigh.

"I know you don't want to do this at all, but we need to tell people about you. I go back on tour tomorrow. We can't keep you hidden forever." I said. She just sat there. Staring blankly into space.

"What if they don't like me. Your fans, I mean. I'm not a very likable person if you couldn't already tell," She spoke up.

"I liked you. And my fans usually support everything I do. So, don't be worried. We're doing a twitcam in 10 minutes, so if you want to get all prettied up, you may do so." I played with her hair and she laughed.

"That's my girl," I said. "I love you."

"I love you too. I'm gonna go get ready."



Demi is completely right. I am not stable to go on tour with her. I'm scared of people. I just don't like them. I am really scared that her fans won't like me. I don't handle that stuff well. Last night, after Demi has fallen asleep, I had gone into the bathroom. I found an old leg shaver so I broke it apart. One of those blades is my new best friend.

"Whitney, are you ready?" Demi called. I slipped on some jeans with a tanktop with a cross on it.

"Yeah, be down in a second!" I called back. I let out a sigh and looked at myself in the mirror. I really need to lose some weight.

I walked downstairs, to where Demi had her laptop out and ready for the twitcam.

"Just sit over there until I announce you, alright?" I nodded and sat in the chair.

"Hello all my lovatics. I haven't done a twitcam in like a year, but I have some news and I thought you all should know." She started. "During this tour, I started to get very lonely. I had no one to talk to. No one to have fun with. So, that's when I decided to get a sister. I know I already have two but they're in Texas. And I'm traveling around the world. So I needed someone to come with me, and shes right here. Do you want to see her?" My adrenaline started racing faster than ever. She motioned for me to come over, so I did as she said.

I walked in front of the camera, and I see new tweets popping up.

"Um, hi. I'm Whitney. I'm 15 and I like music and puppies," I told the 3 million viewers. I heard Demi chuckle next to me.

"Puppies?" She laughed. I smiled at her.

"Yes, Demi. Puppies."

I look back at the screen and I see a few people asked me questions.

"Where are you from?" I read out loud. "From Lovatic5ever."I smiled a bit.

"I'm from los Angeles. Why did Demi adopt you?" I looked at Demi. "I think Demi should answer this one."

"Well, She just caught my attention more than the other kids. I was just attached to her." She said. She held my hand. New tweets popped up on the screen. This time, they weren't so good.

"Get away from Demi, slut. You don't deserve her. There are girls out there killing themselves and they need help. You're perfect you don't need her. Go die. Fat whore."

A tear slipped from my eye. I got up and ran up to my room.



"Really? I said to the camera. Was that really necessary? You don't know her life. I'm gonna tell you a little story and I really hope Whitney doesn't get upset," I started. "Whitney got thrown out by her parents last year. She was bullied by classmates. She couldn't take it, she almost killed herself until, skyscraper came on. I saved her life just like I probably saved most of yours. She cuts herself all the time. Out of all people, I thought my fans would understand. Thanks for nothing guys. I'm going to go check on my sister to make sure you guys didn't kill her." I closed the laptop with a large force and ran upstairs.

"Whitney? Where are you?" I yelled. I heard her crying in her room. I tried to get in, but she had locked it.

"Babe, listen. Their words don't matter. They were just jealous that you were hanging with me." I told her. I could still hear her crying so I had to do what I love to do.

"You can take everything I have. You can break everything I am, like I'm made of glass, like I'm made of paper. Go on and try to tear me down. I will be rising from the ground like a skyscraper. Like a skyscraper." I sang to her. I heard the door unlock and she came running to hug me. I started crying when I could feel her shaking. I let her go and bent down.

"Let's go clean up the cuts, honey,"


A/N: Keep reading guys! Thanksssss. Vote and comment.

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