Chapter 24- Stay Strong

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It's still so unreal. The baby, I mean. There's a living person growing inside of me. I knew I wanted kids but at 16? Not a chance. Jordan is super excited about the baby. He demands we go to the doctor to see what the gender is as soon as possible which is this weekend. I picked out my name if it's a girl. Eileen McKenzie Lynch-Lovato. It's a long name I know. Watch Jordan I get married it'll just be Eileen McKenzie Lynch.

"Hey, are you ready to start recording?" Demi came out of nowhere and asked. I swear she's a magician sometimes.

"Uh, what? Recording?" I didn't recall her saying anything about recording.

"Don't you remember? We have to start on your album and you're recording with me for my new song," Demi said. I totally forgot.

"Okay. I started writing some songs so we're good on that."

"Good, let's go." We have a recording studio upstairs. It was just convenient. We get up there and I pull out my lyrics and sit at the piano.

"Stay strong, stay strong when there's nothing left in you. Stay strong, stay strong we all know you can make it through. You and I together, we will make it through this now. Stay strong, stay strong even if you don't know how." I sang. "That's my new song. I wanted my first album to be inspirational. All of the songs need to be about finding yourself or staying strong. Stuff like that."

"It's so perfect. I really like that idea. Well, let's start because I want to hear the rest of this magical song!"she laughed and I laughed with her. I sat down on the piano bench, turning on the record button.

"You said to me that you were fine, and that was a lie it was the same as mine. As the night went by, you said you were breaking and I felt the same but we are stars in the making!" I looked out of the corner of my eye, seeing Demi watching my hands work on the piano.

"Stay strong, stay strong, when there's nothing left in you. Stay strong, stay strong we all know you can make it too. You and I together, we will make it through this now. Stay strong, stay strong even if you don't know how." I poured my heart and soul into that chorus.

"I know how you feel, you're buried in silence. The struggles that you have the pressures on and make you tense. I said, 'everything will be alright', and you said,' okay we'll make it through this fight'" I sing the chorus again and closed my eyes actually thinking about the words.

"We're spiraling down in this world of darkness. All your friends won't love you less. We've been down this road before, I can see you shining and all you think you are is a mess," I started singing the chorus once more, "stay strong, stay strong when there's nothing left in you. Stay strong, stay strong we all know you can make it too. You and I together, we will make it through this now. Stay strong, stay strong. Ooh ooh. Even if you don't know how."

I finished my song, hitting the stop record button.

"Well, what did you think?" I asked Demi. She had her hand on her mouth and looked hopeful.

"That song is beautiful. I feel like we should name the album 'I am strong'. What do you think?" She asked back.

"I love that. I have A lot of ideas for songs. I wrote five. I know you're writing two for me. So, I'm excited about this," I said smiling at her, "but let's start on your song. What's it about?"

"You. I started writing the song about two weeks after I got you and it involved into something beautiful. I'm proud of it. It's called, ' Her broken pieces.'" She smiled at me. I grabbed his lyrics and started reading them. I analyze them as well, thinking about how much they related.

"I love it! It's amazing," I hugged her.

"Thank you. Well, I think that's enough for today," she closed her lyric book. I nodded in agreement.

"Hey, Demi?" I asked. She looked up with confusion, "thank you for being so supportive. You know, with the baby, Jordan, music, I don't know if I could have done it without you..."

"To be honest, I don't think I could have either."


Short chapter! I'll update again probs next week. Love you guys!! Thanks for 26k

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