Chapter 3- Until You're Mine

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Yes! I finally have a computer c:Now I don't have to use my phone asdfghjkl

anyways... HERE WE GOOOOOO



"Adopt her?" Mary asked me. "You do realize how much problems she has, right?" I chuckled a bit under my breath.

"Mary, do you even know who I am?" She stared at me for a moment, with a blank face. Then, she shook her head no. "I am Demi Lovato. Pop icon. Number one single. Heart Attack. I, myself have self harmed, had eating disorders, and hated who I was. But I got through it all, and I know Whitney can too."

Mary didn't say a word she just handed me the clipboard to fill out the paper work. I took it from her and looked over at Whit, where she was wiping her tears. I proceeded to fill out everything.

"Whitney, can you come here please?" Mary called to her. She looked up at us, her eyes were fiery red from crying so much. She stood up, put her hands in her hoodie, and walked over. All I could do was stare at her with sympathy.

"Whitney, this is Demi. She's adopting you, okay?" Mary put a hand on her shoulder but she shrugged it off.  Another tear slipped from her eye before she spoke.

"Why would you want to adopt me? I am just some messed up kid," She wiped her tears with her hoodie sleeve and sniffed.

"I'm adopting you because you need someone one to love you and care for you." I told her. I said my goodbyes to Mary and walked out with Whitney in front of me.

We got to my car and she sat next to me, silent. She isn't messed up in my eyes. She's just another 15 year old girl who needs a bit of fixing, and I'm going to help her. I know what she is going through. I've been in that boat and I still am.

"So, after you see how messed up I am, you're going to get of me, right? I mean it's happened before..." She said. I kept my eyes on the road but I grabbed her hand in mine.

"I will never leave you. Ever." I told her. From the corner of my eye, I could see a bit of a smile.


We get home and Troy was sitting in my living room.

"Troy, what the hell are you doing here?" I basically screamed at him. Whitney got behind me and held on to my shirt.

"Well, I just wanted to meet the girl," He said. He got up and Whit and I moved back.

"We just got home. She isn't familiar with anything yet. Come back tomorrow or something! Now isn't a good time." I said to him. He let go of a big breath and walked past us and out the door. I slammed the door behind him.

"God I hate him!" I screamed. "Sorry, that was my manager, Troy. He can be a real pain sometimes."

Whitney let go of my shirt and just stood there. I could tell she was really uncomfortable about everything.

"Well, your bedroom is upstairs. I don't know what you generally liked so its blue with green polka dots. If you don't like it, we can always change it. If you need anything, I'll be down here or in my room, two doors down from yours." She nodded and walked upstairs.

I really don't know what to do. I'm not going to send her to rehab. I want to try and help before anyone else does. I was in the mood for a talk so I called my friend, Christi, who I know would always help me in a situation like this.

"Hello?" Christi asked. I smiled when I heard her voice because I haven't talked to her in a month.

"Hey, Christi! Its me, Demi." I heard her laugh from the other end of the line.

"Oh my gosh, Demi! It's been forever! How you been?"

"I've been good. I've been really lonely so I decided to adopt a sister to keep me company. Her name is Whitney and she is gorgeous. She is a beautiful 15 year old. The thing is, is that she has the same problems as us. The self harm and the eating disorders. I just don't know what to do." I poured out to her.

"Well, just tell her how she's not alone in this situation. I mean we've both battled through it. Tell her that she can too." She said. This is why I always go to Christi. She always has the best advice.

"Thank you so much Christi. Best friends for life. I'll talk to you later. I love you!"

"I love you too!" And we hung up.



I walked up to my room, expecting it to be awful but honestly, I'm impressed. I walked over to my bed and sat down on it. I didn't do anything. I just sat there and thought. My thoughts are always bad and I hate it. I started thing about my dad. How he said that I wasn't his daughter. Then my mom and how she didn't say a word. She went along with it. I started crying again. You would think that I cried my tear limit of the day, but that's all I could do.

I desperately searched for my blade. The one that I always have with me when I need it. Now, I cut at least twice a day. It keeps me calm. I kept looking but then I remembered that Demi took it back at the orphanage. For some reason her name is really familiar. I really cant put a finger on it though.

I heard Demi coming up the stairs so I stopped crying and sat on the bed, fumbling with my hands. She stood in the entrance of the doorway,

"You alright?" She asked me. I nodded my head and looked up.

"Yeah, I just started thinking again and usually its not good thoughts." I told her. She walked over to me and sat down.

"You do know that I'm always here for you right? I know you feel alone in the world right now, but you're not. You have me. I know what you're going through and I'm here for you."

"You know what I'm going through?" I looked at her confused. She laughed lightly and looked at me.

"Seems like no one knows who I am anymore. I'm Demi Lovato. The girl who went to rehab in 2010 for self harm, anorexia, and bulimia." She said. I kept looking at her. Very confused.

"Here," She reached over me and put her iphone on the docking station. A song by the name of Skyscraper came on. Then, it finally clicked.

"Oh my god. You're Demi Lovato. The girl who saved me when I was 14." I told her. She smiled.

"Well now you're mine!" She took me into a big hug and I hugged back, nuzzling my head into her neck. Maybe this wont be so bad.


A/N: That took me 4 hours omfg. I'm sorry its so short but I wasn't prepared to update. I did this on the spot.  Whitney is also on the side if you were wondering what she looked like c: Love you guys

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