Chapter 14- I hate you, don't leave me

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I got really emotional when I was writing this idk. Enjoy! I'm updating twice tonight :)


"Mom, Dallas, Madison, this is Whitney. I adopted her about two months ago," Demi said to the three people i front ofus. I knew who they were, well, because it's Demi Lovato's family.

"It's very nice to meet you! You're family," Demi'smom said. She hugged me, which I thought was a liitle strange.

"Hi, I'm Dallas. Demi's older sister," she said, waving to me. I smiled and waved back.

"And I'm Madison, Demi's half-sister." Demi hugged all three of them, while I was just standing there awkwardly.

"Sorry to leave in such a rush but I really need to go now," Demi said. I snapped my head up to look at her.

"What? You said you would stay with me for a while," myvoice cracked as I started to cry.

"I know, Whit. I'm so sorry. When it's over, you'll understand..." she said, starting to cry as well.

"When what's over? Demi, what's going on?" By now, I was bawling.

"Remember the story I told you about being a young disney star and that I was falling apart? Well, those old demons are coming back for me. I need time..."She was sobbing just as hard as I was.

"I can;t do this without, Demi. I can't."

"My family took cre of me and they're going to take care of you, alright?" she took her fingers to wipe my tears. Iwrapped my arms around her, hugging her so tight, she knew I didn't want to let go.

"It's only for a week. I'm checking in with Timber Knolls, and I'm going to take a week off. Mom, treat her like you treat me, okay?"

"I loveyou, Demi," I said, nudging my haid into her neck.

"I love you more, Whitney."


"Bye..." she waved back at us, and got back in the taxi, on her way to Timber Knolls.


"Whitney, where are you? I walked by your house this morning and you weren't there," Jordan said over the phone. It's been two days and all I can think about is Demi and Jordan. I missthem both so much.

"I'm in Texas. I'm here with Demi's family. She had to go somewhere for a week. I'll be back on Sunday." I reassured him.

"Well, I miss you!" he said. That was the first thing that made me smile since I got here.

"I miss you, too"

"My brothers can't wait for you to come over. And my sister is dying to meet you! She's been waiting to sing with another girl," he laughed mid-sentence.

"I'm excited too. I haven't told Demi yet, but I'm sure she won't have a problem. She wants me to start a singing career," I chuckled. Madison came in the room, most likely looking to chat.

"Hey, Jordan, I have to go. I'll call you tomorrow, okay?" 

"Okay, bye!"

"Bye." Ipressed the end button and sat my phone in my lap.

"Who was that?" Madison asked, sitting next to me. Maddie is one of the sweetest girls in the world. 

"It was my boyfriend. It's Ross Lynch's younger brother," I smiled.

"Woah! A celebrity dating another celebrity! Weird," she giggled.

"It's actually very common. Demi and Wilmer. Taylor Swift and Harry Styles. And I'm not a celebrity. Far from it actually. But you, my dear, are one Miss Desperate Houswives!" 

"You've seen me?" she asked excitingly.

"Every week. You always had me laughing," I told her.

"Thanks! You really are going to be famous on day. I heard you sing Neon Lights and Nightingale!"

"Thank you, Madison."



I checked in with the treatment center that housed me for 3 months. They said that will all of the stress and work, my depression was slowly coming back. They put me on anti-depressants, but sometimes they don't always work.

Auditions for X-Factor start this weekend in Colorado. It's fascinating to see all the good (and bad) singers that come in to fulfill their dreams. Last year, I really wanted one of my girls to win,

This week, I'm surprising Whitney by coming home early. It's only Wednesday, but I told her that I would be coming home Sunday. I called my mom and told her to take her to a Dallas Cowboys game tomorrow because I'm performing at half time.



"In case you don't find what you're looking for. In case you're missing what you had before. In case you change your mind, I'll be waiting her in case you just want to come home, in case," I sang quietly to myself. There is literally a Demi Lovato song for every situation. Staying strong, a breakup, missing someone, just wanna dance, I mean , thank you Demi.

I was on my phone, watching videos of Demi on X-Factor, interviews and concerts. She's actually really funny. My favourite interview is when those two guys ask about he waking up as a man. That cracked me up!

"Whitney? Can we talk?" Dallas came in and knocked.

"Yeah, sure," I shut off my phone so we could.

"How much has Demi affected your life?" she asked. That's probably the most honest question I've ever heard.

"She's definitely done a lot to affect it. They day we met, she saved my life. Even before that, she saved it. She's made me eat, even if I don't want to. She made me go to school, which has resulted in me getting a boyfriend, but most importantly, Demi helped me stay strong." (FOLLOW MY DEMI ACOUNT ON INSTAGRAM demi_helpedme_staystrong)

"It's like fate had brought you two together," Dallas said. 

"Basically, that's why I miss her. I have bad separation anxiety, so with her being gone, it's making the bad thoughts come back... What did you do when Demi was going through her struggles?" I paused then asked that serious question. She didn't answer at first. She sat down on my bed and put her head in her hands.

"She was always so pale. She was really skinny. She just didn't look healthy. There was really nothing I could do at that moment. I would cry at least once a day because she was killing herself and she just didn't care. The day she lest for treatment, was a good one, but a sad one as well," she wiped her tears with her thumb and sniffed.

I imagined all of this happening to Demi. Then, I looked back at my past. I have to stay strong for her. She's going back into her depression and I'm coming out of mine. I have to help her get through this.


So many emotions<3 Sigh. I hope you liked it c:

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