Chapter 2- Two Worlds Collide

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(1 year later)

I finally had a break off of my DEMI tour and I was back in LA at my house. I need all the rest I can get. I only have three days before I go back.

I get terribly lonely on tour sometimes. There's no one to really hang out with. I can't go to the bar. I'm only 20. I don't like clubbing. I need a little sister or something. Someone to keep me company. Someone to have heart to heart talks with.

Now that I think about it, there is an orphanage and adoption center a few blocks away. Maybe I can get a sister there.


I have to talk to my manager, Troy, before making a decision first. Which, in my opinion, is incredibly stupid. I'm an adult. I don't need an adults consent.

I walked into his office and sat down.

"Listen, Troy. I'm lonely. I need someone to keep me company. I'm going to adopt a little sister." he looked at me with those wide eyes of his.

"I'll keep you company, Demi. You can't adopt anyone. It's wouldn't be good for your reputation." I shook my head, starting to get angry.

"I don't give a crap about my rep, Troy! I'm on tour right now. No one cares!"

"You're not adopting anyone. I refuse." I got up and pushed my chair in.

"Watch me," and I walked out of the door.


I called Miss Mary's Orphanage on the way there, telling them that I would be coming to adopt someone. I was really nervous because soon,bi would have a little sister to take care of.

I pulled into a parking space, grabbed my purse, and walked to the door. They amhad an extensive way of entering the building. Ring the doorbell, sign in, then ring another doorbell.

"Miss Lovato?" I heard my names being called. I turned around to see a woman in her late twenties.

"Hi..." I said back.

"You want to adopt?" she asked. I nodded and she did a hand motion.

"Come with me."

I followed her into a room with a bunch of children. There were at least 40 kids in there.

"So, Miss Lovato, how old do you prefer?" I didn't look at her. I just kept staring at the beautiful children.

"Uhh... 13 to 15 preferably."

I was watching these two 5 year old girls play hopscotch. They were so cute.

"Any specific background?"

"No. Any is fine."

I look back to the children, but this time, one girl caught my eye. She had short blonde hair and was sitting in a ball in the corner.

"Who's she?" I asked the woman, pointing to her. She looked up from her paperwork and over to where I was pointing.

"Oh. That's Whitney Baybridge. She doesn't really like people. She had trust issues."

After the woman finished speaking, a little boy ran up to us,

"Miss Mary, may I get some paper towels for Whit? She's bleeding." Mary's eyes got wide,

"What do you mean she's bleeding?"

"Her wrists."

Mary whispered to the boy and he ran away.

She ran over to Whitney and I followed her. I could hear a faint crying which made me even more worried.

"Whitney. Whit, listen. You're okay. Shhh. Hand me the blade," she told Whitney. I watched in horror as she shook her head and kept cutting her wrist.

"I wanna die!" she screamed. I knew I had to help her, considering that I have been in her place before.

I took her hands in mine. I didn't say a word. I just took the blade, sat it on the ground, and took her hands in mine. She stopped crying after about 30 seconds.

"You're okay. I promise. Don't cut yourself sweetie. You're too beautiful for that." She looked me in the eyes and sniffed.

The boy that was there earlier, brough paper towels and gauze. I blotted the blood away and wrapped her wrist up.

I stood up and walked away, with Mary to my side, fumbling with Whitney's blade,

"I want to adopt her."


A/N: comment and vote and share and stuff c;

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