Chapter 25- Stop The World

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*Whitney Pov*

Jordan and I found out what gender the baby was. Noah James Lynch. He is going to be the most spoiled little boy. I am five months along now. The morning sickness has stopped. Now, the only thing that hurts is my back because he's so heavy.

I finish my album "I am strong". It's just a rough-cut though. It won't even be released until about a month before Noah is born. It's really good though. Never in 1 million years would I have thought that I would be releasing an album, talking on interviews, becoming as famous as Demi.

"Whitney! There's someone on the phone for you!" Demi yelled. I watch downstairs slowly but surely.

"Who is it? I don't want to answer it if they're not relevant to my life..." I smirked. Demi laughed.

"Someone by the name of Jackson." My smile died down. I slowly walked towards the phone. I can't do this. I can't do this... but I did.

"H-hello?" I asked shakily. Everything was silent. I couldn't move.

"Whitney, baby? It's me, dad," I cringed at the word baby, and dad.

"I know who you are. Don't ever call me baby. Ever. And you're not my dad anymore." I just wanted to cry. Maybe even throw up.

"Just hear me out -"

"Why? Why should I listen to one word you have to say? You disowned me, killed mom, almost killed me, and went to jail. Why in the hell should I listen to you?" I was crying now. Demi was holding my hand tight.

"All I wanted to say is that I'm proud of you for becoming your own person. Now this is how I raised you." He laughed. I wasn't even cracking a smile.

"No, Jackson. This is how Demi Lovato raised me. She raised me to stand up and be brave, and she's only had me for nine months. We are no longer on speaking terms. I'm done. Goodbye." I hung up angrily, wiped my tears, and set the phone down.

"I'm proud of you for doing that. I really am." Demi hugged me. I sighed out.

"I'm going over to Jordan's. We need to talk about Noah. Plus, I need to get my mind off things."

"Alright. Want me to drive you?" She asked. I shook my head no, heading for the keys.

"Well, okay. I love you."

"Love you too."


*Demi POV *

"Why are we acting like lovers, we don't know each other, even though we used to rule the world."

I sang Sometimes I sing my own songs. I sat down on the couch and turned on VH1 to hear the latest news on the singers.

"Miley Cyrus' dog Floyd passed away recently. Miley says that it was the worst feeling she's felt since her break up with Liam."

I feel really bad for Miley. I really do. I know what it's like to lose someone close to you.

"Demi Lovato's 16 your old sister, Whitney lovato, has been seeing around LA with what looks like a baby bump. I huge one at that. Her boyfriend, Jordan Lynch from R5, allegedly getting her pregnant. Sources also say that Whitney has just finished an album. Will the baby keep her from pursuing her music career?" I turn the TV off and scoffed.

"Obviously not if she just finished an album..." I said under my breath. I got up to go to the recording studio to record "Her broken pieces", but before I could get upstairs, the doorbell rang.

"Who is it?" I called. No answer. I walked in the door and looked through the peep hole. There was nobody there. I carefully unlocked the door, looking outside. No one. But there was a note taped to the door.

* if you care so much, why did you let her leave the house by herself? Big mistake*

What in the hell does that mean? I called Jordan's home phone, hoping someone would pick up.

"Hello?" Jordan's mom answered.

"Hi, Veronica. It's Demi. I was just wondering if Whitney was over there," I said nervously.

"Um, hold on. Jordan, is Whitney upstairs?" There was a possible moment, "no, she's not here. I'm sorry" Veronica told me.

"Uhm okay thanks. Can you put Jordan on the phone?"

"Of course. Jordan, Demi wants to speak with you!" After a long pause, Jordan came to the phone.

"Hi, Demi," he said.

"Hey Jordan. Would you mind coming over for a minute? It's urgent..."

"Of course but why?"

"Well, I'm not really sure, but I think Whitney might have been kidnapped..."


There's your update Brittany

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