Chapter 4: Awaken

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 "STAY AWAY FROM MY BOYFRIEND, YOU WORTHLESS SLUT!" And it all goes black for me...  

---3rd Person---

Charlotte, Jasper, and Henry were walking to their usual spot for lunch (last chapters pic) and they didn't see (F/N) so they knew she went to their spot. Charlotte and Jasper seem to have a thing for each other because they would look at each other every 5 seconds, of course they tried to do it in secret but they failed. Once they got there, they wanted to see (Y/N) either reading or doing homework but they didn't want to see is (Y/N) faced down in the dirt and unconscious.

"Oh my god, (Y/N)!" Henry said as he ran to her and turned her over.

"I'll call 911!" Charlotte said as she quickly took her phone out and dialed the number.

"Jasper, go with Charlotte please!" Henry said on the verge of crying.

"Okay..." Jasper said walking away to where Charlotte was.

Henry looked back to where (Y/N) was laying, he grabbed her hand and sobbed so hard that his heart hurt.

He heard the sirens coming closer and he said to her, "Your going to be okay, (Y/N), you are going to be in safe hands and you're going to wake up and smile everyday and I get to see your smile and i guess what I'm trying to say is that I'm absolutely in love with you, I want to be with you now and forever."

He put his hand to her cheek and he closed his tear filled eyes and pictured life with (Y/N) and as he was doing that, he felt himself being pulled away from her but he didn't resist as he was with (Y/N) in another life.

I woke up in this place (chapter pic) and I seen Henry there and I ran to him and hugged him but Henry didn't hug back, he just stood there, I stepped back and he walked away and I started to follow him and I gasped at what I saw. that it was me in Henry's arms, not breathing and I knew it was myself when they discovered me but why would...nevermind beside I wanted to see it, anyway Henry beside me walked away and I followed and he took me to myself in an ambulance with Henry sleeping beside myself and Charlotte sleeping on Jasper's shoulder and Jasper looking at you. Then everything went black.

---3rd Person---

He woke up to Jasper shaking him.

"Henry, Henry, Henry wake up!" Jasper said shaking him.

"What is it Jasper?!" Henry said rubbing my eyes.

"Why don't you have a look for yourself." Jasper said scooting back.

He looked up and he saw (F/N) staring at him with those (E/C) eyes and smiling at him.

"You finally woke up, Henry!" (F/N) said grabbing his hand.

"Yeah, but who cares about me, your alive and happy again!" Henry said having the biggest smile on my face.

he was so lost in her eyes that he didn't even know we stopped at the hospital.

"Mister, snap out of it, Ms. (L/N) wants you to be with her." An ambulance woman said.

"Oh...sorry, I guess ill go with her then." Henry said running up to (F/N) gurney and holding her hand.

She was smiling at me all the way to the hospital room and he was smiling back.

Lots Of Love

Cheyenne (0)~~~

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